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!! TW: This chapter contains swear words.

{ Georgie's POV }

14 years later...

Finally! I finally completed school and found myself a new job!

I never thought i'd reach this point, honestly. I thought i'd still be stuck in an apocolypse by now. But no. Here i am, becoming an adult.

I had to move out of my parents' house because my job was pretty far from where i lived. I'm currently staying at an apartment in a city out of Lucella. I still contact my parents though, and Penny.

Today is my first day. I'm gonna meet my new boss ( the CEO of the company i work at ), so i'm pretty nervous.

I kind of forgot her name though. I think it's Ms.Zebra or something? I don't know, not too sure.

I've heard some things about her. Apparently she's incredibly strict when it comes to work, so you can't be caught slacking off. I also heard that she "assaulted" a CEO from another company because he insulted her and had a lawsuit filed against her.

Luckily for her though, she won the case. Which was pretty surprising for most people, since the guy who filed against her was extremely rich and never lost in court.

Um, anyway, not sure how i remembered that but not her name. I'm standing in front of the office building right now.

Oh gosh.. i can't believe this is happening. One moment i was just some kid running around with a bat, now i'm an adult standing in front of a giant ass building with sweaty hands.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. OKAY! I need to calm down. You can do this, Georgie. Anyway, you can always go back to 7-11.

No, who am i kidding. That job sucked!

Okay, okay... fine. No more stalling. I'm walking in.

Wow, okay. The lobby itself is pretty luxurious. It seems almost like a hotel lobby.

I walk over to the front desk.

"Good morning! Um..."

Oh fuck, i barely stepped foot in this building and i'm already messing up.

"Yes?" The guy at the desk looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

I just stood there, frozen, like some sort of idiot.


"Uh- yes, sorry.. my name is George Pig, i applied here recently..."

"Ah yes! George! Welcome, we're glad to have you here!" He said.

I smiled back, of course. Still nervous.

"Please head over to the top floor. Once you get there, turn right and you'll find the CEO's office. She'll tell you everything you need to know."

He gestured to the elevator on my right.

"Thank you." I nodded.


Um, yeah. Anyway, i'm inside the elevator now. I hit the button that was right under the one that lead to the rooftop.

The elevator walls were mirrors, which gave me the chance to fix myself a bit before meeting my boss.


The elevator doors open. I followed the guy at the desk's instructions and head right.

I find a door that read, "Chief Executive Officer".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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