Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Jake had always been fascinated with Niki, ever since he saw him perform on stage with Enhypen. His dance moves were so fluid and his stage presence was electrifying. Jake couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He had watched countless videos of Niki's performances and interviews, and he had even started learning Korean in the hopes of one day meeting him.

Jake never expected that day to come so soon. He had won a contest where the prize was a meet and greet with Enhypen, and he was over the moon with excitement. He was nervous as he approached Niki, but he managed to introduce himself and tell Niki how much he admired him.

Niki smiled warmly at Jake and thanked him for his support. They chatted for a few minutes, and Jake felt like he could talk to Niki for hours. There was something about Niki that made Jake feel so comfortable and at ease.

As the meet and greet came to an end, Jake couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He didn't want this moment to end. But just as he was about to say goodbye, Niki surprised him.

"Hey, do you want to grab some food with me and the guys after this?" Niki asked with a grin.

Jake's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not only was he going to have lunch with Niki and the rest of Enhypen, but he was going to spend more time with his idol.

They went to a nearby restaurant, and Jake sat next to Niki. They talked and laughed over plates of Korean barbecue, and Jake felt like he was living in a dream. As the meal came to an end, Jake worked up the courage to ask Niki for his number.

"Sure, let's exchange numbers," Niki said, flashing Jake a bright smile.

Jake couldn't believe it. He had just spent the afternoon with Niki, his idol and crush, and he had his phone number. As they said goodbye and separated, Jake's mind raced with the possibilities of what this could mean for him and Niki.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning of a forbidden love story.

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