Chapter 4: The Struggle Continues

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Jake and Niki continued to hold their relationship in secrecy, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as Enhypen's popularity grew. They couldn't turn on the news without hearing about them, seeing them on billboards, or watching them in interviews. Everywhere they went, they were recognized, and they had to be careful to keep their distance from each other.

One evening, they found themselves in the same hotel room while on tour with Enhypen. They had been struggling to find a chance to be together, and they knew this was their opportunity. But as they began to express their love for each other in this private space, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

It was other members of the group, checking in on them. Jake and Niki quickly separated, pretending as though nothing had happened.

It was becoming too much for Jake to bear: he couldn't hold in his love anymore. One day, he decided to take action. He knew that he wanted to be with Niki, regardless of the consequences. They met in a park, sitting together on a bench, looking out at the sunset.

"I can't keep hiding our relationship any longer, Niki," Jake said, his voice wavering with emotion.

Niki looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm tired of keeping our love a secret. We've been through so much together, and I don't want to live in a society where I can't be with the person I love," Jake said with passion.

Niki's eyes widened, realizing what Jake was saying. "You want to come out? To the public?"

"Yes," Jake said, taking a deep breath. "I want everyone to know how much I care for you."

Niki smiled and took Jake's hand. "Then let's do it. Together."

And with that, they took a leap of faith and came out to the world as a couple. It wasn't easy, and they faced a lot of backlash and hate, but they stood strong and continued to support each other. Their love proved to be more powerful than anything else, and they were determined to make it work no matter the cost.

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