Chapter 18

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We got back to Jc's house and set stuff up. I went upstairs and put on my bathing suit (because he has a pool). I put on white high wasted shorts, an infinity crop top and ring and some toms. I put on waterproof makeup and went back downstairs. There were already people here considering the party starts in 10 minutes. Again I thought 'this is going to be awesome! My first party in San Antonio.'


The party started and I was dancing with Jc, I also met his friend Ricardo. He was really nice. I talked to some other people, Jc introduced me to a guy named Chris and his girlfriend Emma. They were really nice also.

Me and Jc went into the kitchen where it wasn't as crowded and got a drink. It was Arizona, just because Arizona is that amazing. Jc said that he was going to the bathroom so I talked to random people.

10 minutes later and still no Jc... 'Did he have to pee that bad?' I joked to myself. But seriously where was he. Maybe there are just too many people here that he got lost in the crowd?

**5 minutes later...**

I'm going to look for Jc I told Ricardo.

I checked everywhere and by everywhere I mean everywhere. Kitchen, bathrooms, outside, game room, pool, living room and basement.

Where the hell was he?

I started asking people if they seen him. Everyone said no, until I asked this one guy. He told me he was in his bedroom. 'Wow how could I forget his bedroom I'm such an idiot!' I told myself over all the loud music.

I walked into Jc's room and seen him on his bed...


That's when I started to get really pissed but me being the idiot I am I didn't do anything about it. I was standing in the middle of the door way while I felt tears starting to form in my eyes.

I ran and ran. I didn't care where, I just needed to get out of Jc's house. I heard him calling my name but I didn't look back.

Do you now how hard it is to see your boyfriend kissing -more like making out- with someone else.


When I stopped running I realized that I ended up in the park. My head started getting heavier and heavier and I was getting more dizzy almost feeling drunk...

That's when I felt the ice cold ground hit my face...


(A/N: wow Jc found kissing another girl?!?

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