Vulcan Sucks

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I can't believe I used to like this guy. He's an idiot. Yeah, sure, he may have been stylish and all, but how dare he use me and try to take over the School. Does this little fool think he could steal the power for himself?

Also, he tried to kill Rafal. And at that time, that did make me angry. If anything, stabbing him with the Storian is MY job. I couldn't do without him at that time, so if Vulcan was successful I would be as good as dead. (Also Rafal I still hate you- don't think anything else-)

He teamed up with Marialena! I should have thrown them both out the window the second I got a chance. (Also did Marialena LIKE Vulcan??? I mean, I wouldn't blame her, but he should rot.) In fact, that brings me to another thing. Maybe if Marialena didn't step in my life, things could have been different. Maybe I would accept being Evil calmly. Maybe the Pen wouldn't punish us.

If Vulcan comes back from the dead, I will use my axe murdering skills on him. And that's not the only thing. I'm not his little ugly duckling to be pushed around anymore.

Vulcan, if you are reading this, you better watch out. I won't be nice to you.

With all the hate in my heart,


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