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Celia sat down at her desk in history class. New people again, but they were all staring at her. She hid under her long, dark hair. News must spread fast here, cause she could hear them all whisper about her.
"Alright, history time! Who can tell me.." Her teacher teach.
But Celia didn't listen. She was busy trying to keep those whispers away. In the middle of all of it she could hear that sweet plum voice again, like outside of the bathroom. He seemed to be talking about her too, great.
Her eyes swept over the room and the boy voice came from a guy a little further back in class. He had baggy jeans with a black hoodie and fluffy light brown hair. His eyes were like glitter in the reflection of the windows, deep brown eyes. She fell into the endless void of them.
Suddenly they both made eye contact and her heart electrocuted, her heart started pounding fast and she looked away. But as soon as he also did she looked at him from afar. His beauty was so..
"Ehem, Celia? Are you listening to my lesson at all?"
She broke free from her admiring and looked up at the teacher. Everyone in the class was already turned her way and most of them were glaring. She could spot the lipgloss girl, Layla, sitting right in front of her.
There was hate in her eyes. Real hate. Celia looked away from everyone. The shame grew bigger in pounding chest and she almost felt teary.
"Sorry, I got distracted.." Celia replied and swallowed the last words.
Why was everyone staring at her like she was some sort of psycho? She had only one thought. Am I really a psycho?

Class finally ended and Celia went out. The sun was at its highest and it's finally lunch. She hoped that none of the girls would be there at the same time as her. She didn't want any trouble at all.
She entered the cafeteria. It was a big building with a high ceiling. The vents were loud and she could hear people scrape with their cutlery on the plates. The food smelled lovely, and Celia got excited to taste it. It will be her first time eating at the new school.
She spot an empty table while standing in the food line. Many tables seemed classed by people. Popular girls, cool guys, smart kids..
And one empty table. One table just for herself. It was finally her turn in the food line and she saw some fresh made sausage together with new baked potatoes. Her mouth started to water as she picked on food to her plate.
   As she walked to the empty table the popular girls were staring at her. She looked away in discomfort. Did they all really hate me that much? The question repeated as she sat down.
   The attached seats were cold under her body weight and the blue color truly amazed her eyes. It was sharp sapphire shade with white lines. She admired it, a perfection for a table.

   She started eating her own lunch when she saw a shadow cast over herself. She looked up to see four of the popular girls from earlier. They were glaring down at her with a smile.
   "Celia, huh? How's it like being a loner?" One of the girls said while putting her food away.
   Of course, she looked up at them all in confusion. Did she do something wrong again? They all seemed to spot her confusion and giggled at it. Was it funny to them?
   "Nice maybe? I don't know." She replied, trying to grab her food back.
   But the girl just held it up. They all made some sort of eye contact, telling each other what to do maybe? They all looked back at Celia, with a huge grin on their faces, covered in rich makeup and perfect skin.
   That's when the girl holding the plate threw it on the ground, in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone in the rooms attention was now directed on them all. She felt all the staring sink into her back and she looked at the spread out food. It was a pile of mess now, sausage and potatoes mixed in a ugly soup.
   The girls were laughing at Celia when she looked back up at them. Why did they throw her food? One of the girls even took her by her chin, holding up her head high. Her nails drilled on her skin and she grinned in pain. Why were they all doing this to her?

   "Lets see what's underneath those sleeves now, shall we?" One said, and with that they dragged her out right on top of her thrown food.
   She could feel food stains stuck on her green dress and tears started to form. They can't see it, they can't, they can't! Celia tried to make her way out of their grip but it was too strong.
   More tears started to come as they put her head down in the food. She could sense the potatoes crush under her cheeks and sausage sauce stick in her hair. The girls fingers started to rip apart her dress sleeves, while she tried her best to get back up on her feet.
   "Please stop, please stop, please!" Celia begged them, but they wouldn't listen to her words at all.
   She could imagine how people viewed her in the moment. She cried on the floor while they revealed it all, and there was a wave of shook.
   Were they really so dumb? Why couldn't they realise that she wanted to hide it from everyone. Hide those cuts, hide it all. She felt people staring at it. White and red lines covering her arms like a zebras skin. Why is this happening, why?

   Tears welled out of her eyes like a waterfall. More and more tears. She could hear her own voice in her head. To run away and never return. The food was on her dress, her once beautiful but now ruined dress. That's when she started to hear chuckles, chuckles turning into laughs. Ugly laughs from girls.
   She looked up at them, tears in her hazel eyes. They looked down at her like she was an under-object. Then it all happened so fast. Took her arm. Held it high up for everyone to stare.
   "Our new comer seems to have had it tough before even coming here, we see!" The lipgloss girl said, Layla.
   She heard more laughing. Laughings from other students. She cried there on spot. Why can't this all end. She wanted this all to end. Or wake up to another reality where she has the perfect life.
   Perfect family, perfect friends, perfect body, perfect everything. Where she wasn't different. Where she would fit in. Where she would be loved. Will she ever be loved?

   The girl dropped her to the ground without her warned about it. She hit her head on the hard floor and a dizziness filled her eyes. She felt hot blood on her side of her head.
   Someone was yelling for a teacher now too. What's happening? People were running in front of her eyes. A teacher looked her deep in the eyes, it was the English teacher from earlier. There was the boy again, the boy with the sugar voice. He looked worried too.
   It didn't take long until Celia lost full consciousness and everything went black.

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