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Celia woke up by surroundings of white pale walls with different children's drawings on it. Her sight was still blurry and she could hear her own slow breaths. She didn't remember anything that had happened but her head was pounding hardly and it seemed like she had bandage wrapped around her head in support.
Next to her was a middle age woman sitting, look at her while writing stuff in a block. Is this a hospital? While her mind cleared quickly, she knew it was the hospital. She hated the hospital.
"What happened?" Celia asked the woman nearby, but she just looked up for some seconds.
"You aren't severely injured, you can go home, your parents are picking you up," The woman replied finally, with no reaction.
With a swept sharp breath, she stood up from her hospital bed, walking through the hospital. Flashings from her memory was torturing, she remembered all the times she'd been here because of her dad.
Celia's dad has issues, it isn't his fault though. She doesn't know who's fault it is, but believes it isn't her dad's fault. Her mom tries her best to work, cook, clean, do laundry, pay bills, all at once. It must be tough. Especially when dad has to go to the hospital cause of his drinking behaviours. It sucked, and Celia would be left behind at home, with most times no food to eat.
It sucked.

"I can't believe you got into a fight, sweetie.." her mom said, driving her home, "Well I can't bring you back to school right now, can I?"
Celia, left with just some bandages from the hospital, stayed quiet.
"I really don't want to have you transferred again because of this, what did you do?"
I didn't do anything, did I. But she only said that in her head, cause nobody would understand.
   "I'll try to get you something nice, okay?" Her mom broke the silence, "We have some uh... left over pizza in the fridge hopefully, I hope that's enough, cause you know how much your dad spends on those bottles."
   Silence broke out again. Torturing silence, she hated it.
   "That will be fine," Celia replied, feeling tired, and even nauseous.
   Her mom did look worried, she probably were. It's her fault, it's her moms fault. That's what dad used to tell Celia when she was younger.
   "It's moms fault that I'm drinking," He would tell her, and when she were younger, she believed him.
   Now she can't look at her mom the same, and it hurt.

   "Finally you're home, what took you so long!" Her dad yelled, and she quickly went to her room, she didn't want anything with him to do.
   But before she could take another step he grabbed her hand.
   "Where are you going, young lady, you've been bad again, and there's punishment for that" He said, and she caught a breath.
   "Simon, darling, not now, she's no fully healed" Her mom said, trying to be the situation solver.
   Wind passed in the room, and Celia caught her chance to whirl out of her dad's grip and go upstairs. She didn't want with anyone to do. EVER.
   Before they could say anything, she was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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