2 - 'Secrets of the Sleepers'

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The next day was much less busy than the day before. There were visitors, but not as many as the day before. Just a few more flowers and cards to add to those already there.

The twins went to see her again, just to make sure she was all right and maybe even to see if she was awake, but she was still in a deep sleep. Madame Pomfrey told them that this might be the case for a few more days, but assured them once again that she would be all right. Although they still seemed worried, they had to accept that this was the situation and that all they could do was wait.

The pale blonde girl even visited her twice that day and sat with her for several hours, talking about her day and everything she seemed to have missed that day. She seemed almost certain that the sleeping girl could hear and understand every word she said. But even if she didn't, the pale girl was happy to retell her stories when she was awake and ready to listen.

The trio were nowhere to be seen that day, not that the girl would notice their absence.

All in all, this day was less spectacular than the day before.

But as soon as the sun disappeared from the sky and day turned to night, the blond boy returned to visit her. He was clearly conflicted about his decision to return to see her, but he seemed more at ease than the day before. He even sat down by her bed to take a closer look at her and her rather sickly appearance. His face was once again filled with guilt, indifferent from the many times he had looked proud and arrogant.

"I could kill her," he said with a look of disgust. "I can't believe she thinks she's the one to make my decisions. Or decide what's apparently best for me" he spat.

He went on to tell her what had happened the night she was found. As he left the scene, he knew where he was going. He went straight to their common room, since he knew exactly who it was. He didn't say how he knew, though. When he entered the common room, he saw her just around the corner, talking to friends and smiling brightly, as if proud of what she had done. She spotted him as he walked straight towards her in an angry manner. The smile on her face slowly faded as she realised his anger, which he was showing very clearly.

"Who do you think you are, Parkinson? First you bother me all the time and now you think you can decide to act in my name. Have you completely lost your mind?" he shouted as he held his wand to her neck, causing her eyes to fill with fear.

"I... I did this for you, Draco! I know she was bothering you. She is a disgrace to our house," she said quietly in a whiny voice.

"You are a disgrace to our house. You are filthy and have no personality. I can't believe you're naive enough to think I ever liked you one bit," he spat, lowering his wand as he finished.

"Don't sleep too well tonight, Parkinson. And if you ever think of acting in my name, I'll see to it that your family will soon have no future at all. Don't forget who I am and who my father is," he said in a provocative tone, leaving her in the common room as he made his way to his dormitory.

His face softened as he told her everything. It was clear that this was something he needed to tell someone, though he hoped she wouldn't remember him telling her. But how could she? She was asleep after all.

He sat with her for a while, using the time to think. Think about what had happened and think about himself, which caused his pride to rise again.

"But why am I telling you all this, you're ridiculous and it's not my fault at all!" he spat in disgust as he got up from his seat and started walking towards the exit of the hospital wing. As if overthinking, he turned to give her one last look with a calmer expression than he had just had, before disappearing back into the corridors. It seemed as if he was having an inner conflict with himself, deciding who he really was.

But it wasn't the last time he returned to her at night, even after what he had said the night before. The following night he couldn't bear the thought of not going to the hospital wing. He decided that this was due to a new routine that gave him some time to think for himself, away from his friends and any other unwanted attention. He enjoyed the attention, but it could be nice without it. But it certainly wasn't because of her. At least that's what he kept telling himself.Draco spent his time in the hospital wing reading, doing homework or just thinking. Sometimes he caught himself watching her, but that was only because he didn't want her to see him when she woke up - or so he said. By this time he'd been visiting her longer than any of her true friends during the day, as he'd just been sitting there with her for an hour or two.

The next day he felt even more comfortable and started talking to her. He even laughed when he told her something funny he'd done in class, or when he saw a first year fall to the ground and into the snow, which made him laugh out loud that day. The boy seemed to be enjoying the time until he noticed something.

He had been with her for more than two hours when she began to move more than on any other day he had been with her before. He moved closer to see if anything was wrong, as she seemed somewhat uncomfortable or even in pain. As he moved closer to her face to find out what exactly was wrong, she slowly began to open her eyes. His eyes widened as he realised what was happening. What had just happened was the last thing he wanted to happen. He had stayed far too long. Got too comfortable. Shouldn't be here. He wasn't even her friend, what was he doing here? If she saw him, she'd not only be confused as to why he was there, she'd be angry at him for making Parkinson do what she did. Even though he had nothing to do with what she had done. He hadn't even spoken to her in the last few days, but how could she know?

Her vision was blurred, but it became clear fairly quickly. She noticed the boy in her vision, seemingly frozen in place. And even though she could see quite clearly now, she squinted at him, trying to find out who he was.

"Who are you?"

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