13 - 'The Hidden Hand that Guides'

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The weeks passed into months, each day bringing new experiences and deepening relationships for (Y/L/N) and her friends. During this time, she found even more comfort and understanding in Luna's company. Their friendship blossomed and Luna became not only a confidante but also a guide to things and secrets that (Y/L/N) would rather share with a girl. They spent countless hours discussing their aspirations, sharing their fears and finding comfort in their shared vulnerability.

Nott, too, played an instrumental role in (Y/L/N)'s journey of friendship and self-discovery. As they spent more time together, their bond grew stronger, and they developed an easy camaraderie. Nott's mischievous nature brought out a playful side in (Y/L/N), and their witty banter became a hallmark of their friendship. She'd often find herself in conversations laced with sarcasm and irony with him.

However, it was her connection with Malfoy that took center stage. The small moments they shared became treasured memories, forging a bond that was unbreakable. Their encounters were filled with laughter, shared secrets, and heated debates. They understood each other on a level that surpassed words, their unspoken understanding carrying them through the complexities of their evolving relationship.

There were also arguments between them. One time, for example, Malfoy argued with (Y/L/N) in Potions class because she wasn't quite fast enough for him, but also because she wouldn't let him finish the potion himself. After all the time she's spent with him, she's also started to share more and more traits with him - even the ones that would be considered more negative, like arrogance. And even though they might now share that trait to some extent, it was a new potential source of conflict between them from time to time. But in the end, it was always quite insignificant.

The friendgroup also visited the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Especially Nott and Zabini noticed how the two of them shared some fairly annoying traits at that point, since there wasn't a second going by without a rather rude comment or joke made about Potter. The two Slytherins seemed to find great amusement in poking fun at the famous Gryffindor, their snide comments and clever jokes interlacing with the murmurs of the crowd.

Their shared penchant for sarcasm and arrogance was on full display, drawing mixed reactions from their friends. Even Luna watched their interactions from afar with her usual serene expression, although she would never agree with the message behind their conversations. But - she saw beyond the surface and understood that beneath their snark, there lay a deep connection and camaraderie.

As the second task of the Triwizard Tournament concluded, the friend group gathered, still buzzing with excitement. Nott, ever the observant Slytherin, couldn't help but express his thoughts on the ongoing dynamic between (Y/L/N) and Malfoy. A hint of annoyance flickered in his eyes as he spoke, his words laced with a touch of jealousy.

"Well, well, wasn't that a delightful display of wit and sarcasm from our dear (Y/L/N) and Malfoy?" Nott remarked, his tone tinged with sarcasm. "Truly, I can't help but be awed by their profound intellectual exchange."

(Y/L/N) arched an eyebrow at Nott's sarcastic remark, sensing a hint of tension in the air. She exchanged a quick glance with Malfoy, who remained composed but seemed aware of Nott's disapproval.

Zabini, always one to enjoy stirring the pot, chimed in with a mischievous smile. "Oh, come now, Nott. Don't tell me you're jealous of the undeniable chemistry between our dear (Y/L/N) and Malfoy."

Nott's expression darkened slightly, his eyes narrowing. "Jealous? Hardly," he retorted, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I simply find their constant banter and shared arrogance to be rather superficial. There's more to a friendship than clever comebacks and snide remarks."

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