I Want To Draw... A Tomodachi Life Creepypasta

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That sentence... "I want to draw..." It has been haunting me for the past 9 years.... 

You don't know me. You don't NEED to know me. So I'll try not to reveal too much about for the safety of me and my family. ...I'm a man in my early 20s, and a bit of a gamer buff. I've been invested in video games ever since I was able to hold a Gameboy. If I had to choose, I have a strong preference for the handheld consoles since that's what I grew up with. Of course, that's not to say I don't enjoy regular consoles, because I do. Which brings us to the main topic of this post: Miis. 

The Mii channel was first introduced in 2006 for the Nintendo Wii. The channel gave you the outlet to create your own avatar. It could be based off yourself, a friend, or dare I say, even your favorite cartoon character. I remember spending hours on the channel alone creating Mii after Mii because not that many avatar creators were available back then and it was still a new concept at the time. Nintendo, the minds behind the Mii channel, created a series of games to further push these avatars into the spotlight. Two famous games from this lineup being the Wii series, and Tomodachi Life. ...You might wanna put a pin on the latter, because we'll be talking about that in a minute. I still have a lot of fond memories with Miis, honestly... The channel definitely resonated with a lot of gamers and it if we're being serious here, without Miis, we wouldn't have sites like Picrew today. Before I dive into the story, allow me to set the scene.

My family moved to a very secluded and rural area when I was 14, and it was around a couple of years after the 3DS just released, too. My parents bought consoles for me and my step brother during the trip up so they could have some peace and quiet. Along with that, we also picked out 3 games of our choosing. My step brother picked out mostly mainline games like Mario Kart and other titles that I don't recall at the moment. For me, I picked out Animal Crossing New Leaf, Nintendogs, and the remastered "Ocarina of Time." My parents were very hush-hush when it came to the reason why we moved. And my step brother and I always assumed it was work related. But we later found out the truth...And for privacy reasons, I won't disclose it on here. When we arrived at our new house, and unpacked everything. I asked my parents if me and my step brother could go out to explore the new town for a while. She seemed to be  ok with it and mentioned that there was a shopping plaza just a few blocks away. So we grabbed our leftover allowances from various pitstops and left. And well...She was right. There was actually a shopping plaza a few blocks away from our new house. One of the shops there was a secondhand game store. So we took a minute to browse.

My step brother looked for more mainline games while I looked at the DS titles. It was then that I stumbled upon two games that I had never heard of before... One was a DS title called "Tomodachi Collection" and was in Japanese, and the other was "Tomodachi Life." The cashier working that day told us that Tomodachi Life just came out a few days ago at the time and that was their last available copy. Without hesitating, I bought both that and Collection while my step brother bought Majora's Mask 3D. We also wound up buying some accessories for our consoles like some carrying cases and new styluses. I told my step brother to wait outside while I payed for my games. And one red flag that I really wish I could have spotted was how suspiciously cheap Tomodachi Life was. It was a new title and at the time, 3DS games only costs upwards of $40. While this copy was only $15?! Maybe somebody just never got around to playing it and wound up selling it to this store. Once we got home, I spent the next few hours building my island. The first few Miis were just recreations of my family, while others were characters I made directly from my Wii and 3DS. 

One of this Miis was simply named Vox. I don't know WHY I chose that name, I just wanted something original. Vox was from my 3DS and was actually one of my favorite creations at the time. The character had short black hair with pale skin, black eyes, drooped eyebrows, and a crooked mouth. I always painted Vox as the shy type, and was always nervous in social situations, yet they managed to have a lot of friends in Tomodachi Life. I happened to like Vox so much that I made them my look-alike in Tomodachi Life. My step-brother and I wound up sharing the game when either of us wanted to play it. Neither of us were ever stingy when it came to sharing our video games, nor did we ever hog any. We'd always schedule a set a amount of time we were allowed to play a game and would give it back to the owner afterwards. One night, my brother was playing Tomodachi Life while I was getting ready for bed, he said he'd give it back when I returned to our shared bedroom. When I stepped out of the bathroom, he came running towards me, looking terrified. "This game is fucked up, dude!" He shouted, I quickly shushed him since our parents were already asleep and I didn't want them to wake up. "What are you talking about?" I whisper shouted back. "You're Mii wanted me to draw with them and..." My step brother said before his mind went blank. "...And what?" I asked. "It was just...Fuckin creepy, man." He replied before shoving my 3DS back into my hands. I quickly excused this as him trying to pull a harmless prank on me and I went to bed.

"I Want To Draw..." A Tomodachi Life CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now