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Penelope opened her eyes, she scanned her bedroom with hazy eyes. Her view is constructed by the draped canopy above her head. Her canopy made her feel safe, it seemed to be the only thing familiar to her in these days. Her eyes were swollen and her head felt numb. She felt hollow.

This kingdom, this castle, it was not hers. It wasn't where she belonged and she could tell. Her original reason for even existing is this castle had seemed to cease. Penelope sat up slowly taking time to analyze her room once more. The chandelier seemed to beg for her attention as she gazed into its shining exterior, it seemed a hundred versions of her stared right back. She glanced away and looked more around her at the adorned furniture and bright colors, Penelope had never been in such a bright castle yet it had never felt more grey in her eyes. It felt like the intrinsically carved furniture was asking for her gaze yet the polish reflected the image of a girl she didn't want to look at. Her legs hanging off the ledge of the bed Penelope didn't know what to do with herself, she only knew craved the comfort of her mother's arms. She would tell her mother everything and her mother would wrap her up in a blanket and simply listen but Penelope knew that wasn't happening anytime soon. She anxiously started to braid her blonde hair.

The door knocked and Lynn entered, Lynn was her servant designated to help her with whatever Penelope wished.

"Good Morning Mrs. Montrose," she said carrying a tray with toast and tea.

"Good morning..." Penelope said. She wouldn't be responding to that name soon she thought to herself.

Lynn had to be the same age as Penelope, she was rail thin with black hair tied into a bun and white laced cloth laying on her head. Lynn laid the tray down and got to work searching Penelope's new closet filled with gowns she wasn't familiar with. Penelope took her time with her toast and tea trying to delay the time as much as she could before she was to go see Max. Lynn started to lay out dresses on her bed.

Penelope stood up and looked at the dresses, she reached for a particularly elegant gown, its light lavender hue catching her eye.

"This one... It speaks to me."

"An excellent choice, Your Highness. Its charm will surely make an impression on the royal highness."

"I'm not worried about that anymore," Penelope said, her voice carrying a newfound resolve, as she settled onto the stool in front of the mirror, awaiting Lynn's skilled hands to brush and untangle her braided hair. Lynn looked at her, a hint of perplexity in her expression, she approached Penelope, her eyes filled with curiosity and unspoken questions.

As Lynn began to brush Penelope's hair, there was a palpable tension in the air. The silence between them seemed pregnant with unspoken thoughts and the desire to delve deeper into what Penelope had just revealed. Lynn opened her lips to speak, but a moment of hesitation caused her to bite her tongue, choosing instead to continue brushing Penelope's hair.

Lynn's eyes reflected a mix of concern and curiosity, her desire to understand and support Penelope evident in her gaze. She brushed Penelope's hair with care and precision, each stroke a gentle reminder of their unspoken connection. The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, leaving Penelope and Lynn on the precipice of a conversation that had the potential to change their lives.

Penelope changed into the lavender gown, some days it felt like her body would never want to conform to royal living yet she always liked the gowns.

She fastened the hay hat and slipped some gloves on breathing deep and readying herself to be cast out into the ocean of royalty. Lynn started to clean up the bedroom avoiding Penelope's gaze. Penelope eagerly wanted to spill open the words hanging in her stomach to Lynn but she didn't bother. She instead turned towards the door and opened it.
Balder the head butler was waiting in the hallway "Sir Maxwell has requested your presence in his studying quarters" bowing curtly then walking away signaling for me to follow him, and so I did.

As Penelope and Balder navigated the twisting delicate hallways, Penelope couldn't help but compare herself to the aged building with its never-ending rooms and hallways filled with paintings of lineage dating back many centuries. They finally arrived at their destination, and Balder turned, standing by the hallway and opening the door, beckoning Penelope inside. The door closed behind her, and she found herself face-to-face with Max. The only person she knew in this building yet she couldn't have felt more distant from him.

"My dear Peni, welcome to my study. I thought you could appreciate the books you'll be able to read," Max said, his chin raised high.
That nickname brought back memories of a younger Max and a younger Penelope, whose youthful nights were spent together, willingly. She swallowed her feelings, mustering a composed response.
"It's beautiful in here. I could stay here forever," Penelope said, her voice filled with admiration, as she trailed her finger on the top of a velvety red chair.
Maxwell smiled, though there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes. "I'm glad you find solace in this room. It has always been a sanctuary for me," he said, his gaze sweeping over the shelves lined with ancient tomes.
Penelope couldn't help but notice the air of tension that lingered between them. Maxwell decided to steer the conversation towards more neutral topics.
"How have you found your quarters? And Lynn?" Maxwell asked, attempting to bridge the gap between them.
"Wonderful, I feel just at home here. You remembered how much I loved my canopy in my old room," Penelope replied with a light smile, grateful for the diversion.
"But of course, it's the least I could do to settle you into all of this," Max said, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "Besides, are you ready for the meetings today?"

"Truthfully, no, Max. But this is my job now. This is my life," Penelope said, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "Why must I be present at these meetings, though? The only one who seems to benefit from these meetings seems to be you and your kingdom."
Maxwell seemed momentarily lost in thought, his brows furrowing. He pondered her words before finally responding, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "You're exactly right, Peni. This is your job as well as it is mine. These meetings may seem burdensome, but they are crucial for the prosperity and stability of our kingdoms."
While he spoke, Penelope walked to the window, drawn to the inviting sun pouring through the open panels. She let the warmth of the sunlight wash over her.
"Yet everything I do now, I do so for the sake of my kingdom," she whispered.
Maxwell's gaze softened as he observed Penelope, his love for her evident in his eyes. He took a step closer, his voice gentle yet resolute.
"Our love seems to be a sacrifice now," Penelope said, a tear streaming down her face, unable to contain her emotions any longer. Her vulnerability spilled forth, raw and unfiltered. "Is this the price we must pay for duty and responsibility?"
Maxwell's expression mirrored the pain that etched Penelope's features. He reached out to brush away her tear, his touch tender.
"Love takes many forms, Peni. For us, it will be a tapestry of loyalty, commitment, and shared goals," he said, his voice filled with a bittersweet acceptance. "We can find contentment in our bond, even if it has to be for the kingdom's sake alone."
Penelope wrestled with conflicting emotions, her heart torn between her love for Max and her newfound responsibilities. She felt trapped within the confines of the kingdom's walls, longing for something more.
"So, nothing beyond this kingdom? Beyond these walls?" Penelope said.
"I have made my decision, and you should too," Maxwell responded firmly. Penelope turned around, pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiping the tear from her eye. She felt a knot forming in her chest, a longing.
"But-" she began, wanting to voice her fears and hopes before Balder's sudden entrance interrupted their conversation.
Balder's voice broke the tense moment, announcing the arrival of royal guests. Max straightened his jacket, assuming his role once again.
"We will talk later," Maxwell said, a hint of regret in his voice.
"I doubt that..." Penelope whispered under her breath, her words hanging in the air...

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