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Penelope had found solace in the secluded loading bay, where she unexpectedly crossed paths with Gabriel. Sitting on the worn wooden platform, her tear-stained eyes met Gabriel's compassionate gaze, and at that moment, she felt something.
Approaching Penelope with cautious yet determined steps, Gabriel spoke softly, breaking the silence. "I hope the roses brought you some sort of comfort."
Penelope managed a faint smile, still clutching the roses to her chest. "Thank you," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude and vulnerability.
Taking a seat beside her, Gabriel's eyes wandered to the distant plains, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "You know, these flowers grow abundantly back home, some even call them weeds where I was from."
Penelope's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Veridian? You're from Veridian too?"
"Yes, born and raised," Gabriel nodded, his chiseled face softening. "Well, now just what are you doing here?"
"I don't think I could explain it all myself," Penelope said, her head hanging low. As she spoke, her hair threatened to escape the confines of the perfect bun that Lynn had meticulously crafted for her in the morning. With each strand that unraveled, her hair seemed to whisper secrets of liberation. Gabriel nodded " I've been in your situation before too, it's not easy."

Penelope scrunched her face, "You're royalty? I didn't know royals wore overalls."

Gabriel laughed, "No, maybe not your exact situation but the move from Viridian was not easy for us either."

Penelope was perturbed "You had a choice then? Forgive me for my bluntness, but why here?"

Gabriel turned towards the east where Viridian lay, a pained look on his face. "We wanted to start a farm and a family and Viridian wasn't the place for it. It just so happened I found a piece of land and we left. It wasn't easy, the house the land came with had broken bones but over time we mended it and it was ours, and that was enough."

Penelope looked at the roses with utter horror, "Who exactly were these roses for?"

His pupils dilated, "No no, please don't mistake my intentions. Cholera took Rachel a long time ago."

Penelope was horrified with herself, "I- I'm so sorry." she replied

Gabriel softly smiled at her, "I appreciate it, besides I think you needed those roses today."

Penelope returned the smile "She must have been a remarkable woman, to travel all this way just with you."

Gabriel looked up at the sky his elbows resting on the wooden platform. "She was, strong, kind-hearted, and filled with love for nature. We used to spend countless hours tending to the garden together, nurturing every bloom and sprout as if it held a piece of our souls. After she passed, continuing the garden became my everything."

Penelope "There's a certain magic to gardening isn't there? Max must have ordered the wisteria for me, he must've remembered how much I loved them."

Gabriel was staring at Penelope as she carefully started examining the roses knowing she was under his gaze. She spoke up. "I think I'm starting to understand that feeling, the yearning for peace amidst the chaos. I wasn't built for this." She lifted her arms staring at her dress.

Gabriel made up his mind.

He caught Penelope's attention and pointed toward the hills that emptied into a tall forest in the far distance. "Well, you see that forest?" he asked, gesturing in that direction. "If you go through it and find yourself amidst the forest where the moss covers the floor, you'll eventually come across a path. Follow that path until you reach a clearing with a sign pointing right to my house."
Pausing to ensure Penelope was looking in the direction he indicated, Gabriel continued, "After walking for a little while longer, you'll notice a house and acreage in the larger clearing. That's my place. If ever the need arises or you'd like to talk more, you're welcome to visit me there." he said, pausing to ensure Penelope looked in the direction he indicated.

Penelope glanced at the forest with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. The thought of visiting Gabriel's house tugged at her, but conflicting emotions stirred within her. What would Max think? And word spread quickly within the kingdom. The King's wife, seen with another man! A scandalous hussy. She could already hear Lady Isabella's judgmental tone. Yet, as much as she feared the consequences, Penelope found herself already formulating a plan in her mind, envisioning how she would make her way there.
Looking Gabriel in the eyes, she mustered her courage. "I think I would like that very much."
"Good, and to think we don't even know each other's names yet." He held his hand out for her to shake it.
Penelope raised her chin. "It's Penelope..."
"Gabriel, it's a pleasure to meet you, Penelope," he replied. His attention shifted to the flowers in the back of his wagon. "Look, I should get back to work. I have animals waiting for me at home, and besides, they are paying well for this delivery"
Penelope made eye contact with him, her voice filled with earnestness. "I know you're busy, and I don't want to bother you. But may I sit here while you work?"
Gabriel's delight was silently palpable. "Of course, you can."
Gabriel promptly resumed his work, moving massive spirals and bunches of wisteria from the back of the wagon. As he toiled away, he seemed oblivious to Penelope stealing glances at him, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Once Gabriel had unloaded the remaining flowers, he turned to Penelope. "Alright, I really should be off."
Penelope concealed her disappointment, her eyes shining with unspoken longing. "Will you ever come to see me again? You make me feel normal here, somehow."
He smiled, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I can't say I make shipments around here too often, but maybe there's some forgotten wisteria at my home that may need to be delivered next Saturday?"
"Oh?" she replied, a slight smile creeping across her lips.
He adjusted his straw hat, the wind threatening to whisk it away. "You know, Penelope, I think you might feel lost here. And it's alright to admit that, even if it's just for now." Penelope stopped fidgeting with her hair and met Gabriel's gaze, their eyes locked for a brief moment before both averting their gazes. Bashfully, Penelope stood up, her mind made up. "See you next Saturday, Gabriel," she said, looking over her shoulder and waving goodbye.
"Goodbye, Penelope," Gabriel said, his voice filled with anticipation.

As Penelope walked down the castle corridors, her face flushed with a newfound sense of purpose, Lynn, the observant housemaid, carried out her tasks. Balancing a pile of laundry in one hand and a heavy parcel in the other, she chose to ignore the footmen's gestures to help her and focused on her thoughts instead. She mentally recited the rest of her tasks for the day and contemplated the time she would finally be able to rest in her bed.
Lynn continued her journey toward the backend of the manor, navigating the swerving hallways and gallant architecture. She entered Mrs. Montrose's quarters and dropped off the laundry, then proceeded to deliver the parcel to Mr. Phillips's room. As she walked, something caught her eye through a window. Mrs. Montrose was sitting on the edge of the loading dock, accompanied by a mysterious and strikingly handsome man. Lynn's mind raced with questions. What was Mrs. Montrose doing there? And why did she have flowers? Could this man be the one who had given them to her? Lynn couldn't help but peer through the glass, her intrigue overpowering her sense of propriety.
As she observed Mrs. Montrose and the mysterious man, Lynn became increasingly captivated by their interactions. Lynn was momentarily disgusted with herself, realizing that she had been snooping into the private affairs of others. She sank to the floor, berating herself for her lack of self-control.
Picking herself up, Lynn resolved not to give in to her curiosity any longer. She acknowledged that Mrs. Montrose was unlike anyone she had ever served before—a woman who seemed less demanding and more reserved. Lynn struggled to find purpose or fulfillment in her tasks for Mrs. Montrose, who required far less attention and care compared to the others she had served. With a quick sigh, Lynn patted her cheeks, reaffirming her commitment to professionalism.
Rising to her feet, Lynn shook off her momentary lapse and prepared to resume her duties. Yet, as she peered once more through the window, she discovered that Mrs. Montrose and the mysterious man had already left, leaving behind an air of intrigue.

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