Not Your Business!

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Oh look. Jane points to Darla's ipad. "It's almost the end of lunch guys." Paige, Darla, and Jane start to clean up. "We're going to the library right guys?" Darla asks as she puts her lunchbox in her backpack. "Yeah, What about you guys?" Jane responds and looks at Sadie and Paige "Yeah, I'm going for sure." paige waits with her backpack on "Sadie? Are you coming with us?" Sadie hesitated but said "Yeah, sure."

" 3 minute warning." Mr. Josh announced on the speaker. Darla, Jane, and Paige already finished packing up and they were all waiting for Sadie to finish packing up. "Sadie, hurry up." Jane said impatiently waiting next to her. They left the cafeteria and were on their way to the library. While walking, they passed Mrs. Callie's office. She stared at it, wishing she could just knock and give her the biggest hug ever. Those thoughts were interrupted by her almost getting slammed by a door. She turned to look at her friends. Paige and Sadie laughing together and Darla silently walking next to her.

Jane looked back one last time but unexpectedly saw Mrs. Karls, the guidance counselor, storm out of her office. Jane turned to her friends and they were also staring at the mad teacher passing them. They all turned to each other and started dying. "Bro y'all saw that right?" Paige asked while laughing "Yup, someone fucked up Mrs. Karls." Jane responded still laughing. Everyone in the friend group disliked Mrs. Karls 'cause she was one of the worst guidance counselor they've had by far.

They were laughing so much that Ms. Andres had to go outside from her classroom, making them stop laughing. "Jane, what are you laughing about?" she asked with a bewildered look on her face. "I-I-" she couldn't hold her laugh in any longer and she bursted out laughing. Ms. Andres pulled Jane inside, leaving the 3 friends waiting outside. "What happened?" Jane surprised but still had a little laughter was calming down. "Hold on, I'm gonna tell them i'll meet them at the library." Jane peeked out the classroom door and Paige, Sadie, and Darla were still out there. "I'll meet you guys at the library." she said and went back into the classroom.

"Okay, so what happened?" Ms. Andres asked again making Jane groan in annoyance "Okay, Okay, I'll tell you." Ms. Andres smiled. "Basically... Me, Sadie, Darla, and Paige were on our way to the library-"

"As always." she interrupted

"Listen!" she looked at her

"Oops. Continue." she replied

"And I heard something coming from Mrs. Callie's office. I turned back and I saw Mrs. Karls storm out of her office. And she looked mad. I mean like really mad, but also kinda sad?" Jane went on and on, eventually telling her some other drama happening in her life.

While Jane goes on and on about drama happening, someone knocks on the door but it ends up getting unlocked. Jane scooched closer to Ms. Andres but then Mrs. Callie enters the classroom. Jane immediately looked at Ms. Andres and Ms. Andres already looking at her. Jane holds her laugh while Ms. Andres asks "What do you need Brooke?" Mrs. Callie looks up  surprised and with almost the same bewildered look Ms. Andres had earlier.

"I texted you like 5 minutes ago..." she responded, Jane looked up at Ms. Andres, who was looking at her phone in surprise. "Oh... I just saw that now." that made Mrs. Callie squint at both of them. "Jane, what are you doing here? she asks making Jane furrow her eyebrows "I was just talking to Ms. Andres about..." she paused "some.. stuff.." she continued. Mrs. Callie raised an eyebrow and looked at both of them, she looked around. Jane took that as an opportunity and whispered to Ms. Andres "Ask her." and tried sitting normally again. Ms. Andres sighed and went up to Mrs. Callie outside. Jane scooched close to the door trying to overhear the conversation. She could barely hear anything and ended up sitting in Ms. Andres spiny chair and waited impatiently on her phone.

After a few minutes, Jane heard a loud bye. She put her phone away and ran to the door. She opened it and gave Mrs. Callie the biggest hug, like it was the last. Mrs. Callie returned the hug and even kissed her head. "Bye my little cookie." she smiled bye and Jane smiled back happily. She looked back and saw Ms. Andres with an annoyed look on her face. "Really?"

"Yes really." she replied

They both walk into the classroom, Jane excited. Ms. Andres sits down and Jane immediately asks "So, What happened?" Ms. Andres looked at her with wide eyes. "God, I can't even sit down." she replied. "You have me as your next class, I'll tell you then." Jane furrowed her eyebrows "What? You don't tell me anything in class! It's impossible! People in my class are nosy and I don't want people knowing!"

While Jane was talking to Ms. Andres, she ended up telling Ms. Andres about the boys in her class and how she would tell them off. "James asked what I liked in a man. And you know what I said. I said that I like girls-" Mrs. Callie walked back in and that immediately shut Jane up. Jane turned behind her and saw Mrs. Callie's face in shock. "Umm... Hi Mrs. Callie!" Jane said and she heard Ms. Andres quietly laughing. Jane turned around and saw Ms. Andres' lips folded from keeping herself from laughing. "You like girls Jane?" Mrs. Callie asks still in shock. "I do. I'm sorry, don't hate me or-" she interrupted "I don't hate you. It's just.." she paused "shocking." then behind Jane she heard Ms. Andres about to burst out laughing but she was still holding it in. "That was not your business!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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