The hit

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Hi! I am the author. I hope that you can help me by voting for me, it makes me motivated to write more. Please comment down any ideas you have, I will appreciate it.

It was just a normal night, Astrid was patrolling the edge with Stormfly.

"Alright girl, time to go. Let's head back to the edge and have a good night's rest." Astrid said with glee.

But just as they were about to leave, Astrid spotted something strange in the forest. 

"Stormfly stop! Bring us in, something strange is in the forest, I can feel it." 

But before they could get anywhere near, arrows with dragon roots were shooting out from the forest. It was dragon hunters! Upon seeing this, Astrid immediately commanded Stormfly to head back to the edge to inform everyone but it was too late, a arrow was already heading towards the two. Thankfully, Stormfly was able to dodge it but not Astrid. In a blink of an eye, Astrid had fallen off Stormfly. 

groaning in pain, Astrid groaned softly, "Stormfly.... help m-" but was caught off by something catching her. 

As Astrid opened her eyes, she saw a hiccup, looking worried. 

"Stay with me Astrid, do not leave me! I can't live without in a world without you in it!" Hiccup said worriedly.

"Hiccup..." Astrid groaned. 

"Astrid! Stay with me, we're almost at the edge, just stay with me! Do not close your eyes!" Hiccup said with worry.

However, Astrid's eyelids felt heavy and eventually closed.

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