Back at the edge

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Astrid groaned and opened her eyes slowly.

"Where.. am I?" Astrid thought to herself.

She turned her head and saw Heather. 

"Astrid! You're awake!" Heather said happily. However, Heather rushed out of the hut. But the person that entered the hut was not Heather, but Hiccup!

"Hello there M'lady."

"H-how did you find me?"

Hiccup let out a small chuckle. 

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"H-hiccp.. what hap-pened?"

"You were shot down by a couple of dragon hunters. But don't worry, we already got that 

handled. Enough about that, how do you feel?"

" I'm fine.."

"Astrid you and I know your lying. Just tell me the truth, I won't tell anyone."

"I-I feel, in pain... Everything.. hurts.."

Hiccup was stunned. What did the dragon hunters hit Astrid with that made her feel so in pain.

Ever now and then, Astrid would let out a small groan in pain.

It broke Hiccup's heart to see her like this.

Just then, Fishlegs barged into Astrid's hut.


"Fishlegs!" Hiccup responded.

"There are dragon hunters heading our way!"

Hiccup looked back at Astrid.

"I won't be long M'lday, rest In your hut."

With that Hiccup and Fishlegs ran out of the hut and headed for their dragons.

In a flash, Fishlegs and Hiccup had joined the rest of the gang.

"What took you guys so long?" Snotlout asked.

"Shut up Snotlout!" Heather said.

"Okay guys, we need to get these dragon hunters away from dragon's edge. Snotlout and the twins, destroy as many ships coming our way from the left. Fishlegs and Heather, same thing for you but just on the right. Toothless and I will cover for you. If you guys need any help, send out a distress signal."

Everyone immediately flew to their allocated postitions.

In a flash, everyone had headed back in the air.

"I can't believe it! Is it the dragon hunters getting weaker or are we getting better?" Ruffnut asked.

"Couldn't say it better myself sister! That was a piece of cake! Too bad H can't explain to us why it was so easy." Tuffnut said.

"Where even is Hiccup?" Snotlout asked.

"He's going to check on Astrid, you know how she is, a warrior, she can never stay put!" Heather said.


Hiccup was flying towards Astrid hut when he saw something in a distance.

"Bring us in bud."

Toothless immediately obeyed.

Hiccup squinted his eyes and realised that there was a dragon hunter ship departing dragon's edge. 

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