(:Charters info:)

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Hi I am Raccoon or call me rac.I want to say this book is just for fun so this book may have
Blood 🩸




And idk what else but anyways
Character info now:D
Human or Zombie. One thing we know he is alive.
Likes & dislikes:A great cooker enjoy drawing and listening to music. Spent his time with his friends and his snakes. He before quite and clam likes to play games with his friends but when it comes to horror he is forced to play.He hates when one his friends tease him, always have bad memories of his parents.Has nightmares every time he sleep
Bad. his parents always buses him when he was little and he almost died cus his parents there always strict with him and there alcoholic
Asf but he left when he was 1
Weakness: being alone

Species:Demon & Bunny,well known alive
Likes & dislikes : enjoy playing with friends, good at throw knife and using his power's well known by energy blast,flying with his demon wings 👍. enjoy drawing and annoying his friends a lot I mean a lot. he hates when his friends don't tell him smt that happen, doesn't know how to cook so he hates it. Sometimes he will get jealous when a Random person talks to Jayden or smt
Childhood: Bit good
Kobe was raised by his mother,his father died when he was little but in all good Kobe mother took great care of him until someone kill his mother when he was 18,he ran away from there and never look back at it
Weakness:loosing his friends

Species: Human , Alive
Likes & dislikes: He enjoy cosplaying and talking to his friends, He laughs like a maniac when one his friends is screaming in the game. enjoy working out that's why he's buff🫠. own a lot of weapons and like using for fun even though his friends say it's dangerous bet he doesn't care, he has supper strength, He hates when his friends always call him a fanboy( he is tho-) Anyways. He hates when ppl make fun of his mask, he only were it because of his scars in face
Childhood: good
he's parents are still alive and he has sister. Jimbo parents took great care of him and show him the Way's to survive and use the Weapons too
Weakness: seeing his friends die

Species: demon, can't die still alive
Height:6,5 when he is a demon. human 6,0
likes and dislikes: Play games with his friends and enjoy listen to music. Mike enjoy using his wings to fly around but he must be careful sometimes plus u need to be careful with Mike feeling when he is sad or mad his hair and body we'll turn into fire. Mike dislikes the water or anything that considers smt cold. Mike hates horror games
Childhood: Bad
Mike parents die when he was 5 but to tell u he live in a different world, before his parents his die Mike mom sent Mike to the real world were humans excited. Mike was raised by his self and some animals when he was 17 he learned how to be human and demon.
Power: I already saw but flying and fire
Weakness:being left alone

Species:Elf / human
likes & dislikes: Enjoy drawing, reading, cooking and helping his friends to begin happy . Jemar dislikes sadness around him and getting memories that if his fault to consider his Father death
All his years was good until 10 . He had birthday party and Jemar wanted to play with his father in the streets but before they could a car was going to fast , So Jemar Father push him out the rounds and his dad got ran over Jamar mother got upset by it. After that happen Jemar mother have treated Jemar shit.
Weakness: dying

Species:Monkey and human, still alive
Likes & dislikes: enjoy singing, love hugging everyone, Always want a huge smile from his friends. Enjoy eating fruits.Sleeping,nature and playing games with his friends. Hunter hates when tree get cut off or animals dying. Doesn't like clown's even though his friends want to scare him.
He was raised by loving parents until hunter had to move when he was 18 but when he move he got a scar from his parents. That means that hunter can come back any time he wants
Power:Animal creation and shipting

Likes&dislikes: He spent his time building Random stuff and weapons But sometimes the idiots steal from him. Enjoy sleeping and cuddle with Jimbo sometimes.enjoy playing game with his friends, Listen to music and have a pet dog that he love very much.He hates when the idiot steal his shit or other stuff from him.
Childhood: Good
He had loving parents that live in a other world that there is only tech there until Barkev left when he was 19 to see the world. He can always come back to his home .
Power:Tech creatin and barrier creation
Weakness:Lost and alone

Likes & dislikes: Enjoy cooking, Listen to music, Like being the parent to the idiots, enjoy playing games with his friends.Always want to check that the idiots are ok, Hated horror games But also love it at the same time. jerick doesn't let the idiots cook except for Jayden and Ron. He enjoy working and helping with the idiots that they need.
Power:Not dying and making
Weakness: Death of his friends

Species:demon, ghost. But has the form as a human
Likes & dislikes: enjoy cooking, Likes to fly around but again must be careful. Playing games with his friends, building, try to play smart, Enjoy doing stupid shit, Dislikes the water because he is half fire, hates when he gets scars that mean he did something wrong or bad. . . And he has a lot, it doesn't hurt but he can feel it
He die when he was 10 cus of parents and siblings they where the one to kill Ron. He was born as a ghost but still had his demon horns and tail but still have the form of a Human . He still doesn't know why his parents and siblings did that to him.
Power: flying, half fire
Weakness:Memories lost


That's is it for now:) but don't worry more charters are coming soon or later . I will probably post every day at 8:30 but rn for is 11:42 so yea :D chapter 1 will come this day at 8:30 :) Hope y'all enjoy

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