I Promise to Stay

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"Harder!" Lee Soo-hyuk growled, eyes hardening as he saw his student fall on his knee, panting hard as his chest glistened with sweat while his knuckles bled. "Get on you're d@mn feet, Jeon", he was merciless, well, mercy never had a place in their training.

Jungkook sighed, gritting his teeth as he slowly stood up again, fisting his hand as he landed yet another blow on the tree trunk which had spikes and thorns covering each and every nook of it, courtesy to his teacher to place them there. Most of the sharp metal pieces were drenched in his blood, some piercing his flesh.

Did he feel the pain? No. But was he losing his patience? Yes. And that was all this about. To make him not lose it.

"Enough", Soo-hyuk sighed as took the drenched wet towel and threw it at the young man who silently whipped it over his knuckles. The white towel was now stained with his red blood, looking beautiful but sinful at once. "Put your clothes on, we need to leave", the elder male said softly, knowing deep down, he still wanted to protect his favorite student from all this sh*t but knows he can't. Not when the younger's fate is all set the moment he was born in the most powerful clan of Ninjas as its heir.

Soon the two found themselves running through the woods, in a few seconds they were at the younger's house, the largest one in the whole town. The guards bowed a little, paying courtesy to their heir and the eldest Sensai of the clan.

"Jungkook", the young brunette straightened his posture on seeing his father, standing by the door of his office, eyes void of any emotion but the younger can still see the softness they held for him. "Come in, boy", now that threw the younger off a little, usually, his dad would always inform him beforehand of any matter before being called to the office. This must be important. With that thought, he bid his Sensai 'goodbye', as he entered the office of his Dad, he shut the door behind him.

"Dad?" Jungkook called out, making the elder male snap out of the trance he went into. That's what has been happening the last few days, either his Dad was stuck in his office or spacing out almost all the time. It was concerning. His Appa was worried too, but at least he hopes that his Appa knows why his Dad was acting this way. He hopes.

"Sit down, kiddo", Jeon Jaehyun is a strong man who never lets things get to his head, he never lets it bother him much no matter how much intense the matter might be but this time. It is beyond madness. "I guess you know by now that the council of our clan has been quite busy these few days", by busy if he means, everyone being on their guard and tensed up, yeah, he did observe that.

"What's been going on Dad?" he wants his Dad to state the point before he gets to assume anything, it has been delayed long enough. His Dad just smiles at him but he can see the worry and tiredness in it.

"I need you to listen carefully, kiddo", okay. "You do know that in a few weeks, we have the Warriors tournaments coming up", a nod was delivered, showing that the younger was listening carefully. "But that's not all that the other clans want to focus on right now", Jungkook frowned, not understanding what his father was trying to convey.

"The other clans are forming a pact", the young brunette let out a gasp, eyes widening as he knew what his Dad was saying right now. It was sudden but expected. And the clans which might be even forming the pact were on the tip of his tongue, it had been obvious.

"Sand Storm, Shadow Tale, and Blood Moon", Jungkook stated, eyes holding silent anger, his father a little surprised but not shocked. After all, his son was being raised to be the leader of the biggest and most powerful clan of all time, Dragon Fire.

"When did my young baby start growing so fast?" the elder teased his son who snickered, giving the elder an amused look. But that still didn't calm the fire that slowly started to ignite again. Oh, he can feel it.

"Well, I never really got the gist of them being truthful to us and it wasn't any secret that the Blood Moon pack loathes us, Sand Storm being their trusted allies while Shadow Tale is just, they want power", Jungkook shrugged, looking like a kid who proudly showed his teacher of the homework he worked on. Taking a deep breath as he tried to suppress the fire in him.

"Hmm, and these Warrior games are gonna be just the epitome of distraction everyone needs right now", Jaehyun grits his teeth.

"So, what are you going to do? Forfeit the games", Jungkook frowned because that's nearly impossible. There was no way people would back down without a proper explanation on which the most historic games conducted every four years are gonna be forfeited. That'll be an interesting story to tell.

"Oh, no", Jaehyun chuckled, making the young man look at him curiously. "You know us, Dragon Fire clan fights head on but sometimes, you need to sit back and lure the prey in", a small smirk formed on both the Jeons. "But while they are here, why don't we put up a show for them? To know what's it like for messing with us", now that got Jungkook attention. "I know for sure that opponents this time aren't gonna be some hunks who wanna win some games to show off".

Jaehyun's eyes darkened. "It'll be a fight of real warriors now, Kiddo. Real blood baths, and I know for sure there wouldn't be any friendly matches. So", now his eyes fixed on the brunette's, expression hardening. "I need you to collect a warrior team of our own. Want to collect the best, it's not only a battle of strengths, but of pride and power".

Jungkook eyes were void of any emotion as he gave a curt nod. "I'll not let you down, Dad".

I'm really excited about this one... I actually thought of writing it a bit more before posting but I'm not that patient I guess...

Yours, Rookie Writer,


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