chapter III

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Once Wendy left, Tyler with Bebe and Kyle Bebe sat both boys in front of the TV. "Okay you two just watch a little TV and I'll get you when dinners ready" said Bebe walking into the kitchen; while the boys watched TV. Kyle came into the room later to see the boys watching a TV show that had a dead woman with her legs chained to a pipe and her head over a bucket and her throat was slashed, "What are you two watching?" asked Kyle; "I don't know daddy but we don't like it" replied Jake in a scared tone Tyler looked afraid too. Kyle checked the channel guide. It said "True blood" "Here Boys watch the page master and I'm taking the remote with me" replied Kyle.

"What's going on?" asked Bebe, "I saw them watching true blood so I put the page master and brought the remote in here with me" replied Kyle kissing Bebe's lips, and Bebe kissed him back; "so I was going to order a pizza but I thought Mac and cheese would be less messy" said Bebe, "Bebe they could make any kind of food messy they could make eating a banana messy" replied Kyle, "so what their only three" said Bebe putting some Mac and cheese in two small bowls and poured water over them and put them in the microwave. "Okay why don't you go rent us a movie something for the kids first and something for us to watch later on" said Bebe putting Mac and cheese in two large bowls for her and Kyle and Microwave so she could cook all four together, As Kyle kissed his wife on the lips and went out to the video store. Ding, Bebe checked the microwave, "Okay you boy's dinners ready" said Bebe as the boys came into the kitchen; And Bebe placed the two small bowls of Mac and cheese in front of them. "Thanks Mummy thanks Miss Broflovski" Said Jake and Tyler together; "you boys are very welcome" replied Bebe kissing them both on the head.

And put a bowl in front of herself, and they started eating; "Hey Mummy where'd Daddy go" asked Jake, "He went to go get a movie for tonight" replied Bebe. "God did you boys get any in your mouths because one thing's for sure it's all over your faces and hair" said Bebe giggling, As Tyler and Jake opened their little mouths showing the chewed up food like they did with Wendy that morning "Charming" said Bebe. "What's going on?" asked Kyle walking in; "I asked them if they got any in their mouths because they got food all over their faces and hair, so they opened their mouths showing the chewed up food inside" replied Bebe, Kyle grabbed some Mac and cheese and put it in his mouth and chewed it for a while, then opened his mouth in front of Bebe showing the chewed up food in his mouth. Both Tyler and Jake cracked up in laughter, "Great I'm married to a three year old" said Bebe in sarcasm.

"Okay you two time for a bath" said Bebe grabbing Tyler's overnight bag and grabbed some of Jake's pyjamas and took two Mac and cheese covered three year olds into the bathroom, Bebe filled the bathtub with warm soapy water and put a food covered Tyler and a food covered Jake in the water. First Bebe washed their hair and faces before hearing her phone go off, BEBE:"Oh Hey Wendy what's up" WENDY:"Oh hi there's something I forgot to mention how often does Jake sneak into bed with you?" BEBE:"Like every morning why?" WENDY:"don't just expect Jake expect Tyler to do the same thing they both climbed into bed with me this morning" BEBE:"its fine but sometimes I feel like I'm married to a child" WENDY:"Why?" BEBE"I made us all Mac and Cheese and the boys got it all over themselves and I asked them if they got any in their mouths, then they opened their mouths.

Then I told Kyle, and he put some in his mouth and did the same thing" WENDY:"Ha!" BEBE:"wanna say goodnight to Tyler I just washed his hair and face" WENDY:"Sure" BEBE:"hold on Tyler wanna say good night to your Mummy" said Bebe holding to phone to Tyler's ear. TYLER:"HI MUMMY" WENDY:"Hi sweetie are you being a good boy for the Broflovski's?" TYLER:"Yep" WENDY:"Okay I'll be asking Miss Broflovski to make sure your not fibbing I love you" TYLER:"I love you too mummy" Tyler gave the phone back to Bebe, WENDY:"So was he fibbing when he said he was being a good boy?" BEBE:"no he's being a good boy okay I'll see you later okay I will by" Bebe hung up, Bebe kissed Jake's cheek then she kissed Tyler's cheek.

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