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"He wants meat lovers" I said placing my phone between my legs, "okay baby what would you like" Hyunjin asked grabbing his wallet out of the glove box Infront of me "um Hawaiian please" "That is a crime Lix pineapple on pizza is a crime" He shrieked dramatically, I chuckled in response "did therapy feel good today baby" Hyunjin asked. It took me a minute to gain a strong enough answer "I felt uncomfortable at the start, but I feel good to talk about it, it hurt not being able to talk about my horrific past, thanks for being there Jinnie" I smiled "baby as your boyfriend I will always be by your side okay baby, and I am so glad your finally getting help it hurt seeing you in so much pain, I will be back just going inside to order pizza want a sprite?" I nodded smiling, Hyunjin smiled in return than walked inside...


it's been 20 minutes the pizzas are taking forever, and I am starving and bored and missing my boyfriend *PHONE NOTIFICATION* oh it's from Han!.


SQUIRREL: Hi Felix how was therapy, also do you and Hyunjin want to go out for a dinner with Lee-Know, I.N and I? at the milk shake parlor?

FELIX: Hi Quokka omg new nickname! therapy was interesting I feel better like a weight been lifted off my shoulder, also 1: sure of course I'll see with Hyunjin and 2: why at a dessert place?


QUOKKA: OMG I LOVE THE NICKNAME!!!!!, well things haven't been so sweet and what better way to brighten the mood with milk shakes and all sweet treats, and okay! I have to go back to class I miss you being here :( will you ever come back?

FELIX: your so corny it's cute I mean I can't say no to mint ice cream, and at this very moment no I will not be coming back school is the last thing I want at the moment Quokka and goodbye! xx



"Baby sorry for the wait I have pizzas and your sprite" Hyunjin smiled sitting the pizza onto my lap slowly "ouch hot" Hyunjin looked over grabbing the pizza off my lap and putting them into the back on the floor, he then turned and kissed my thighs "sorry baby" he pouted making me blush at his cuteness.


Changbin and I were having a conversation about working out, While's Hyunjin was drawing like he usually does "yes it's very good when your anxious or need to let some emotions out" Changbin smiled eating his pizza "thanks how's Seungmin has his condition gotten better" I nervously asked.

 Changbin put his half-eaten slice of pizza down and looked at me "he could wake up any second, but he-he might not be able to walk again" Changbin stuttered Making me grown, I pulled him into a brotherly hug "it's going to be okay were all here how about you go home take a shower get a few hours of sleep you need it you look like shit" I chuckled "your right If anything happens Seungmin's doctor will call his cunty mother hasn't showed her face" He scoffed "yeah she never really showed an interest in him I feel so bad" Hyunjin got up putting his sketch book into his shoulder bag.

"Baby ready to go" He asked smiling "yes, text if you need anything Changbin bye take care" I smiled waving "bye Felix, Bye Hyunjin" "Bye bro like Lix said text if you need anything" Hyunjin nodded. Then we walked out "baby Han invited us to dinner at the milk shake parlor" I smiled getting excited about the mint ice cream, Hyunjin grabbed my hand laughing "of course I want an americano." 

time 11:45pm// HYUNLIXМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя