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"Thanks Taylor, I really appreciate that."

"Don't worry, they're just really concerned about you. But I reassured Kayla and told her you're okay. I don't think she picked up on it."

Jamie sat across from Taylor on her cream couch. He had arrived at her apartment just over an hour ago to vent about his private predicament.

"I know they're worried and I want to tell them but it's not just my secret. There's two parties involved."

Taylor gave him a sympathetic smile. "I think they'll come around but Jamie, you know the longer you hide it, the worse it will be."

The boy sighed, Taylor's heart ached for him. "I wish I could tell everyone, but I can't, god, there's so much at risk."

"Is it worth the risk?" She asked.

He looked out the window, the evening sun highlighting his bright blue eyes. The usually radiant Jamie had a sadness creeping across his face.

"God Taylor, I don't know." He rubbed at his forehead. "There's so much at stake."

Another pang to her heart.

"I understand Jamie."

He gave his best attempt of a smile to Taylor. "I know you do."

They pair had grown extremely close over the last few weeks since he confided in Taylor about his secret, well, he was forced to when Taylor walked into a member only restaurant and accidentally stumbled upon him.

"Anyways." He added a cheerfulness to his voice that she knew he was putting on. "I can't wait for Kayla's birthday, it's going to be such a fun night. We just finished her present she's going to love it, well she better we put so much thought and effort into it."

"I can't believe you wrote her a whole song and recorded it behind her back." She shook her head in disbelief, how they got that over her, blew Taylor's mind, the girl was highly observant. "In her own studio and all." She added.

Jamie huffed. "I don't know either. That girl never leaves that studio. But she's going to love it, we were talking about putting it out as a single instead of keeping it just private."

Taylor couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. These boys loved Kayla so much.

"The song is so good, it will for sure be a hit and I can't wait to see her face."

She could already see her brown eyes dancing and that perfect smile coming through.

"Have you got her anything? She probably told you not to get her anything. She told everyone not to get her much and make a huge deal out of it."

"I have something small for her, I didn't want to overwhelm her with a huge present."

Jamie's eyes crinkled. "That's nice of you Tay. You know she's really fond of you."

"Oh really?" Taylor arched a brow, interested in finding out more.

"Yes! She talks about you the whole time. Tells us how she loves being in the studio with you and how great of a musician you are even though you can't read sheet music. Or the other day when the two of you cooked dinner."

Taylor let out a gentle laugh. Her body heated up knowing Kayla spoke about her often.

"In fact..." Jamie narrowed his expression. "I can't help but think she might have a little thing for you. I mean I know Kayla very well and she has a buzz about her lately that I can't put my finger on."

Taylor's eyes flashed open. She needed to act oblivious to the whole thing.

"I highly doubt it." Taylor said, pushing conviction through her voice. "We just get along so well and work even better, the friendship is a bonus."

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