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I saw him for the first time,he was only six like me ,his brown deep eyes i can write a paragraph on how beautiful those brown eyes were,They were like copper against honey,like sunlight through a bottle of whiskey,like the color of earth after it rain,i loved how the ring around his eyes deepens their color every time he stare deeply. Did you ever find yourself lost in someone eyes?But you cannot find the word to tell him how mesmerizing they are?the almond shape of his eyes,my heart stops when i lock eyes with him.

His smile?he had the kind of smile that inhabited every part of his face,his eyes,his cheeks,and his dimple?,it's unfair for someone to look this breathtaking his smirk revealing his dimple make those cheeks red every time he smile,its like his smile enhance him more every time he shows those dimple.i knew at this moment that this boy was going to be trouble.his curly hair bouncing every time he turn his head,i got mesmerized and i felt this tied knots in my stomach i felt like i couldn't breathe the sound of my heart accelerate like i just run a miles, everyone talking around me,their voices became the sound of wind blowing i felt lost like there was no one arround me except HIM.

i was so lost in his eyes that i didn't realise that he was running at full speed just to bumped me in the mud,i fell down and he leave a huge laugh he was with a bunch of boys and there was this girl who claimed to be my bestfriend,she laugh too.i fell hard on the ground well i had eggs in my hand fresh eggs that i just bought for my mother all fell down and they crashed.i got so mad just forget what i said about him being the most handsome boy, i ever set eyes on he was an ass.his words was <<que paso cabeza de huevo?>i wanted to punch him in the face i didn't even understand what the hell he just said,i am French how the heck was i supposed to know spanish.

so i cuss him in french,<fils de pute>{SON OF A B###H} and walk away in pain i had bruises all over my knees and i got grounded because all the eggs was broken.i was heartbroken,the girl i consider to be my best friend turn out to be a snake, well calling her a snake is an insult to the snake itself, I was mad she didn't even stand for me she laugh her ass off and run away,i didn't talk to anyone for around one week,i did the boring routine ,school, home.well Alfonzo REBELLIOUS  didn't give up he gave me the worst time of my life for two years straight,he would break my bicycle,he even throw my school bag on the roof of my neighbour house,when i went to play with one of my friend he would conme and annoy me i really hated him with all my heart.One day while we were playing he put gums in my hair i had to cut my hair off. He was my sworn enemie,everyone knew how we hated each other.

Things started to change when his mom died,i went to the funeral and then he hug me and cried for the first time i felt like he needed me,i saw him balling out his eyes,i didn't know what to do so I just hug him back,i felt my heart breaking when he broke down on the floor crying in pain and wishing it was him instead.all i could do was hug him and let him cried.The boy who destroy my life since i was 6 was now begging me not to leave his side, because he was scared like a fool i promised to stay by his side forever.We were just 9 years old.since that day everything changed between us,i visit him everyday,he would come to my place when i couldn't go to his,he changed, he was no more the troublemaker who hated the world.He was that boy who would helped everyone in need.he became the favorite son and favorite friend of everyone.everyone loved him and our relationship was the perfect bestfriendship well I don't know if that word even exist but that's how we used to call it bestfriendship from Enemies to frenemies .we became bestfriend,we shared everything.And there was that girl who was in love with him, Laura and she was my Bestfriend too.We all pass our exams and went to the best school.Laura wanted to tell him how much she loved him but he was always busy or was more likely to avoid this conversation.

until one day there was a party and we were all invited,we were twelve years old , Alfonzo was there, so was Laura and so was me,it was night time we were all sitting on a bench admiring the stars then Laura was ready to confessed her love for alfonzo,i was just sitting in the middle of the two minding my own business .At the same time i was curious to know what he would respond but he cut her off and said that he was already in love with a girl, we both looked shocked .Laura looked dissapointed and was about to cry but he mention that the girl goes to the same school as Laura.We both look at each other, because I go to the same school as Laura as well.But Laura release a laugh and wish us goodnight and she whispered to me,<i know Alfonzo love me he will not admit it because he is shy >then she wink at Alfonso and left .

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