Chapter 5: Author - Knowing Who Wrote This Book

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It's always important to know a little bit about the artist of a book, song, art piece, etc. that you're taking interest in, so you understand their values and why they felt their art was important. So who wrote this book you ask?

The simple way to answer this question is me. I wrote this book. But who is this "me" I speak of? I sometimes write some things with improper grammar and layout. You could call me an artist, an author, a creator, or a God. You could call me whatever you'd like, for I am turning the tables on you in this chapter. You know nothing about me, so based on you're minor knowledge of me and a basic description you will let your mind fill in the blanks. Use your large imagination to create my backstory. You're the writer now. (Until, of course, we move on to the next chapter.) I will give you this to start off with. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community, I write and play music, and I'm learning Japanese. There are your details, now go ahead and use your imagination, because I refuse to tell you anything further.

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