Chapter 6

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When i got back to the cabin, i went into my proper room that im sharing with Sam and sat on the bed. "ok, you can't have them all, pick one. Harry, Mitchie or Damien" Sam said. "eww bitch please, Harry is my boyfriend, Mitchell is my bestfriend along with Damien, so just leave me alone!" i screamed at her. She punched my jaw, and kicked my stomach. I fell to the ground and spat out some blood, a few tears flew down my cheeks and i coughed up more blood. Sam smirked and walked out to leave me crying and coughing up blood.

I could'nt talk or anything because everytime i did, i spat out more blood. I lay on the floor for about an hour until i heard people shouting my name. "Sam, do you know where Rose is?" i heard Sensei ask. "no, no idea" she said innocently. "help!" i said as loud as i could before coughing up more blood. "i heard here in here!" i heard Mitchell yell. The door flew open and Mitchell ran in. He gasped when he saw me and picked me up. I coughed more blood onto his shirt and mumbled a sorry, "shh, its ok" he said. More tears rolled down my cheeks, "Sensei!" he screamed, Sensei ran out of the boys' room and ran over to me. "shit! what happened!?" he asked. I coughed up more blood onto Mitchells shirt and Sensei gasped. He took me out of Mitchells arms and to me into the bathroom.

"where is she!" i heard Harry scream. "keep him out!" i heard Sensei yell. He put me in the bath and i coughed up more blood into the bath. "ok, im going to have to strip you ok" he said. I nodded, he pulled off my top and ect until i only had my bra and undies on. He put me in the bath and i watched the blood wash off my body, the water turned a tinge of red and i stopped coughing up blood. "you ok now?" he asked lifting me out of the bath. I slipped slightly and pulled myself up so he was holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands around his neck.

"shh, its ok" he said rubbing my back. I cried into his shoulder as he grabbed a towel. He put me down on the toilet and i saw his shirt now wet in the shape of my body. He handed me the towel and i dried myself. He wrapped the towel around me and grabbed my forarms, he stood behind me and led me to the boys' room. We passed Sam on the way and Sensei glared at her. Harry was sitting on the boys' bed with his head in his hands. "shhh" Sensei whispered into my ear. I nodded and we walked past Harry. His head shot up but Sensei gave him a look to wait.

He led me towards Mitchells bag. He got out a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. "what about my clothes?" i asked. "no, i want you to stay out of the room until its cleaned ok, this was just the easier option" he said. "go and get changed" he said pointing to the bathroom. I walked in and got changed, then saw Harry sitting on the bed, byt Sensei was outside yelling at Sam. "Harry!" i squeled and he stood up as i jumped into his arms. "you scared the shit out of me" he whispered hugging me tighter. He started walked towards the door so i jumped off.

We opened the door and yelling filled my ears. "why did you do that!?" Sensei yelled. "she is a bitch! she is braking me and Mitchell up!" Sam shouted. "Mitchell has a girlfriend!!! Jami is his girl! not you!" i shouted stomping over to her. "this is coming from the girl who slept with him" she said smirking. "WHat!!" i screamed. "what?" Harry asked. "Stop it! Sam! go into your room right now!" Sensei screamed. Sam groaned and stomped into the cabin then slammed the door. "Rose!" i heard someone yell until i felt a massive WHACK onto my chest. "D!" i squeled, Damien hugged me tighter. "i was so worried!" he yelled.

"Rosey!" i heard Mitchell yell. "Mitchie!" i screamed jumping into his arms. "Fuck! are you ok!?" he shouted looking me over. "im fine now" i said smiling. "Oh Rose, i called your brother" Sensei said looking at the ground. " did you get hold of him" i mumbled. "uh, he gave me his number so he could still hear about you" he said sheepishly. "you have a brother?" Harry said. "Harry, my brother left my family when i was 13, i am now 18 and he was 16 when he left. I hav'ent seen him since. "uh, he may be coming here" Sensei said. "my breath got caught in my throat. I sat on the ground, in the middle of the grass and hugged my knee's.

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