Chapter 32: Her only friend

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Finally, sweet freedom! The holidays had descended upon us like a glorious tornado, whisking away the dreary halls of boarding school and replacing them with a world of boundless joy and utter silliness. No more teachers, no more books-I could practically taste the delicious freedom in the air.

As I stepped out of those prison-like school gates, I felt a grin spread across my face. It was a grin that screamed, "Hello, world! Brace yourselves for some serious Liandra antics!" Oh, the mischief I would get up to during these blessed days of no studying and no responsibilities.

But wait, who's that I see? It's Kaira, and she's holding a tiny, meowing bundle of fur. Meet Stormy, the cutest and most mischievous kitten in the whole wide world. Kaira, in all her wisdom, had decided to care for Stormy for the holidays, ensuring that our days would be filled with endless laughter and plenty of scratches behind tiny ears.

"Good luck with your new pet!" I exclaimed and she just smiled happily.

We strutted down the streets together, Kaira and I, with Stormy perched precariously on Kaira's shoulder like a pirate's loyal parrot. People couldn't help but stop and admire the adorable chaos we brought with us.

I entered Kaira's house, which was a treasure trove of eccentricity. Stormy, now unleashed from her temporary perch, raced around like a furry hurricane, toppling everything in her path with gleeful abandon. It was a riot of fluffy madness, and I couldn't help but join in.

And as the days grew shorter and the air turned crisper, the holiday spirit began to seep into every corner of our lives. Christmas was just around the corner, with its twinkling lights, festive carols, and the promise of magic hanging in the air like the scent of freshly baked cookies.

Ah, Caroline, the harbinger of drama and perpetual scowls. It seemed that my dear friend Kaira's presence in my life had ignited a spark of jealousy within Caroline's soul. Perhaps she felt threatened by our unbreakable bond or simply couldn't handle the sheer awesomeness that radiated from our friendship. Either way, her angry glares and icy demeanor became a regular feature in our daily encounters. To be honest, I regret about it and hope to change it somehow.

All in all, I almost forgot about my other part of life which was not so ordinary. But I didn't have to - there were a lot of things to do...

As soon as I walked through the door, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was Ethan, his voice laced with a mixture of urgency and nervousness.

"I need to talk to you, Liandra," he said, his words coming out in a rushed manner. "Can I come over to your place in a few minutes?"

I paused for a moment, considering his request.

"Can't we just talk on the phone? What's the problem?"

Ethan hesitated on the other end of the line.

"I think it would be better if we had this conversation face-to-face. It's important."

I let out a sigh, feeling a bit weary from the events of this term.

"Alright, Ethan. Let it be. Come over."

I could sense his disappointment through the phone, his voice losing some of its initial enthusiasm. We said our goodbyes, and I found myself wondering what could be weighing on his mind so heavily.

He entered my room soon, his face expressed some sadness.

"Lia, what's going on with you?" Ethan asked directly, his voice filled with concern.

"What do you mean exactly?" I pretended to look like I didn't understand anything.

"I mean your absence, your constant being unable to go out because you have so-called duties... But, admit it, Lia it seems strange," he said with suspicion.

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