Chapter 8: No tears left to cry

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After Yasmine's father brought her home, the atmosphere in the house turned suffocating. Her parents were filled with disappointment and frustration, unsure of how to handle their once-promising daughter who had strayed from the path they had envisioned for her. They were worried about the consequences of Yasmine's affair becoming known to others, and how it would impact the family's reputation.

Yasmine's mother, in an attempt to calm her down, reminded her of the gravity of her actions and the implications they would have on her younger sister, Laiba. She emphasized the importance of setting a good example for Laiba and how Yasmine's choices could impact her future.

As a result, Yasmine's parents tightened their restrictions on her, imposing stricter rules and closely monitoring her activities. However, Yasmine found herself indifferent to their attempts to control her. She had become disillusioned with the expectations placed upon her and the potential marriage discussions that were looming, even before she had completed high school.

Yasmine would struggle to keep her composure during her final year of high school. The increased parental restrictions at home added an extra layer of difficulty to her already challenging situation. Each day at school became a constant reminder of the painful reality she was living.

As Yasmine walked through the school hallways, she couldn't escape the sight of Omar and Amina, their affectionate gestures a painful reminder of what she had lost. Every embrace, every loving glance, pierced her heart. It took immense strength for Yasmine to maintain a stone-cold exterior, refusing to show her vulnerability.

Some days, Yasmine would hold her head high, determined to appear unaffected by the presence of Omar and Amina. She would walk past them as if she couldn't see anything, shielding herself from the hurt and longing that threatened to consume her. It was a defense mechanism, a way to protect her fragile heart from further anguish.

But there were also days when Yasmine couldn't help but feel the weight of her emotions. She would find herself overwhelmed by sadness and longing, unable to hide her pain. Tears would well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, as she witnessed the love she once shared with Omar being lavished upon another.

Yasmine's heartache consumed her, casting a shadow over her every waking moment. Behind closed doors, when the world was asleep, she would retreat to her room and surrender to the overwhelming sadness that engulfed her. Tears would stream down her face, staining her pillow as she cried silently, desperately wishing for a different reality.

But Yasmine had to be cautious, for her tears were not to be heard by anyone else in the house. She would stifle her sobs, muffling her cries with trembling hands pressed against her mouth. The weight of her emotions had to be contained within the confines of her own soul, hidden from the prying eyes and ears of her parents.

To distract herself from the pain, Yasmine sought solace in solitude and music. She withdrew from activities she once enjoyed, such as practicing arts, fearing the possibility of running into Omar. The thought of facing him, of being confronted with the remnants of their shattered love, was unbearable. So she stayed away, denying herself the creative outlet that had once brought her joy.

Yasmine became a solitary figure, keeping to herself as much as possible. She minimized her presence at family events, avoiding questions that could unveil her hidden sorrow or expose her forbidden affair. She didn't want her sadness to become a spectacle, nor did she want her family to bear the burden of her shattered dreams.

Her once vibrant spirit seemed dimmed, overshadowed by the ache in her heart. The laughter that used to grace her lips became scarce, replaced by a solemn gaze that spoke volumes of the pain she endured. Yasmine's world had contracted, her focus narrowing to the confines of her own struggles, her own battles with loss and longing.

But amidst the darkness, there were moments of respite. Yasmine found solace in the company of her closest friends, the ones who stood by her side through thick and thin. In their presence, she could momentarily set aside her pain, finding moments of laughter and genuine connection that provided a temporary reprieve from the weight she carried.

Once on their way back from school, Yasmine, Abdullah, Zahara, and little Laiba walked together, their steps syncing in rhythm. The sun cast a warm glow, yet Yasmine's heart still felt heavy with the burden of unrequited love.

Abdullah: Yasmine, I cannot give you false hopes of whether Omar will ever truly return to you or not. It's better that he doesn't. I have heard that his relationship with Amina isn't going too well either.

Zahara: Abdullah, it's not your place to comment on Omar's relationship. Yasmine, don't listen to him. If he truly ever loved you, he would come back. He would have never left you.

Laiba: (Innocently) I can hear you crying at night, Apa (elder sister). It breaks my heart to see you in so much pain. I would advise you to focus on your studies. Get good grades, maybe one day if you excel, Omar may realize his mistake and come back.

Yasmine: (With a mixture of sadness and hope) I know it may sound foolish, but I still pray to God that one day Omar will realize his mistake and come back to me. I can't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope, even in the midst of all this pain.

Abdullah: Yasmine, I understand your longing, but it's important to be realistic. We can't rely on the uncertain actions of someone else for our happiness. You deserve someone who will love and cherish you unconditionally.

Zahara: Abdullah is right, Yasmine. It's time to prioritize yourself and your own well-being. Don't wait for someone who may never come back. Focus on your studies.

Laiba: (Nodding in agreement) Apa, you're strong and capable. Don't let this setback define you. I believe in you, and I know you can achieve great things. Maybe if you score good grades ammi (mother) and baba (father) might send you to Riyadh to study further.

Yasmine: Thank you, Abdullah, Zahara, and Laiba. Your words mean a lot to me. I will try my best to focus on my studies, and I'll keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Having no other choice, Yasmine poured her energy into her academics, determined to excel and prove her capabilities. She buried herself in books and assignments, striving to find solace and purpose in her studies. But despite her best efforts, thoughts of Omar would often creep into her mind, distracting her from her focus.

Late at night, when the world was silent, Yasmine would lie in bed, her thoughts consumed by memories of their time together. Hours would pass as she replayed conversations, dissected every word, and wondered what went wrong. 

Yasmine's parents observed the change in her behavior, the prolonged hours spent in her room and her restless nights. Concerned for their daughter's well-being, they attempted to have heart-to-heart conversations, hoping to offer comfort and guidance. However, Yasmine found it difficult to articulate her feelings, the pain too raw and the wounds still fresh.

As time went on, Yasmine gradually regained a sense of normalcy. Her academic pursuits provided a welcome distraction, offering moments of respite from the ache in her heart. She began to regain her focus, her grades improving as she channeled her emotions into her studies.

Just as she started to regain her footing, another challenge awaited her. 

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