epilogue 2

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after that morning i went to her house early I asked franko if he have a duplicate key from hanna house i want to cooked them breakfast i entered their house and then i saw avi playing with her doll

oh hi mister your early"she muttered as he saw me

yeah i came early i want to cooked breakfast"i answered

mommy is still sleeping"she said and pouted

how cute she look exactly her mom the way she pout my cute baby

really?? wake her up after i cooked your breakfast okay"i answered

yes mister"she genuinely answered

what do you want for breakfast baby?"I asked

i want pancakes mister my mom always cook it for me"she answered and smiled

okay i will cook it for you but for a while play with your toys and don't make a noise your mom will woke up"i muttered

she just nodded and play with his barbie i just went to kitchen and start cooking the kitchen is all color pink and i like it.

after i cooked i called avi to wake her mom because the breakfast is cooked she just nodded and went upstairs to call her mom and me im just busy putting the plate's in the table. i want all clear and done

after that hanna went downstairs and shocked when she saw me still beautiful even she just woke up

at first she's irritated because im here again i won't give up even she will kicked me out here i just need to know the truth if avi is my child and of course im not here not just for that im here to explained my side again to her i hope she gave me a chance

we just ate breakfast while avi is talking she's always teasing her mom she's a cute little kid talkative and a smart also but i really want to know if she's my child? i really wanted to have a family ever since.

after that i just waited to them to finish because we're going to the park avi requested to me im just patiently waiting while watching iu i know hanna hate iu so much.

while im watching iu hanna and avi went downstairs they are wearing the same dress i feel im a driver here

im confused when avi suddenly hugged me i just hug her back

Daddy"she muttered while looking at me

i stopped when i realized what she said i just looked at her with confusion

w-what did you say avi?"nauutal na saad ko

daddy your my daddy right?"sagot ng anak ko at ngumiti

i feel emotionally that's why i cry my heart is so happy because i already found out that i already have a child and my child is this cute little kid im mentally happy my heart is now complete with this kid

why your crying daddy?"tanong ng anak ko

nothing baby im just happy right now"i answered and wiped my tears

me too daddy don't worry i can bond you all day mommy allowed me"sagot ng anak ko at ngumiti

i just hugged her tight im just happy today i feel like my heart is about to explode having a mix emotion because i knew the truth im happy too because hanna is not angry to me

let's go na daddy"saad ng anak ko

i just smiled at her we just spend our entire day doing shopping and playing because after 6 years i see her and i can finally take care of my own child

i talk to hanna if i can live in her house to take care with avi too she just agreed for what i've said i thought she will be angry with that but not i just slept in the other room i just need to be patient this is for our daughter also i want to make bawi to the two although i didn't know that we have child that's why im doing my best to be a good a father

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