Poetry (2) [when the war ends]

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more word vomit


my heart should beat to the drums of my country
and my eyes should gleam with her pride

yet it is as if my heart has run astray and my eyes have turned blind
for they have crossed the border of logic and over the rivers of reason
and here on this foreign hostile soil it has found the love that is you

outside the walls of my home there is war
where death has become the new neighbor next door
and the music of the city has been replaced with the moans of stubborn souls
and the beat of fear is drilled into our mind and we can think of no word or thought that would begin to console

in the walls of my heart there too is a war
between logic and you
you who i am fighting and embracing all at once

thus you have made me a captive
your love has chained me and tied me to the enemies of my brothers

the soldiers of my country and yours lay dead on the battlefield

their blood painting our shared sky a melancholy crimson

under this sheet of sorrow their hearts have stopped beating

and what a traitor i am,

standing here while my heart only beats for yours

how unlucky we are

your love is peace

it is all that i want and need but it is so far out of arms reach it is what i cannot have

how unlucky we are

i cannot go back to you

and i cannot go back to myself


when the war ends and the crimson skies wash back to blue

and the blood is scrubbed from the streets

these cities will look anew

but in our hearts, our still beating hearts

we are so deeply scarred

veterans of humanities greatest dark

when the war ends the border will open

but we all know that even with these open gates

these beckoning tones

the woes in our heart are sunken too deep and the war will still wage through the anger in our souls

the beat of war has taken root in our heart and it will grow and grow like strangling fig

the war will never end in the bitter souls of my brothers and kin

but for me

when the war ends

i will run across those opened gates and ignore the hateful gunfire and disappointment of my home state

for you my darling i would run through a forest of strangling figs and fight the greatest of tigers

when the war ends

i will embrace you and never let you go

but until i can hold you in my arms, i will hold you in my heart

as long as you will love me with your soul.

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