second day

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Edwards Pov:
The next day, I was standing in front of the girl's room, trying to brace myself of how big will Aurora be today, I took a deep breath, and walked in, I walked over to Renesmee, and smiled at her, she was still sleeping, and when I walked over to Aurora's bed, there was no site of her, but I didn't panic because I heard giggling from inside the closest I smiled at walked over

I opened the closet door, and there she was Aurora, who looked 4 years old already, I was shocked

But she laughed and jumped on me "Papa" she said smiling, and I looked at her with winded eyes "what? Can you say that again? " I asked her

"papa" she said, I picked her up and ran down stairs

"Everyone in the living room, now" I said and waited for everyone, when they came they we're shocked at how big Aurora was

"Can you say it again" I looked at her

"Papa" she smiled at me and pulled my hair, everyone 'awed' at the scene, but then Aurora looked at everyone else

She started to point "Alice, Emmet, Masen, Jazzy, Grandma, Grandpa" she pointed at all of them, then she pointed at the stairs, the upstairs "mama" she said and I smiled at her

"Your mom is going to wake up tomorrow" I smiled and kissed her head, she giggleded and put herself down from me and went to Jasper, Jasper picked her up, and put her on his lap, and she hugged him, I smiled at the scene

Soon after I heard Renesmee cry from upstairs and I went and picked her up "It's okay Ness, I'm right here" I said and she calmed down, I went down stairs and Esme Already had milk for her, and a cup of blood for Aurora, Jasper fed Aurora while I fed Renesmee

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