The bait

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"I don't like this.."

"I am aware."

The black and blue colored seeker looked through the long, dark tunnel, their frame more than a bit stiffened at the moment. This plan... Soundwave and Cloudlock had been talking about it for a few weeks now. When the taller blue bot first brought it up, Cloudlock was completely against the idea- Especially since it included Soundwave allowing himself to get caught. But after some more talking, they reluctantly agreed to help out to solidify the plan. It wasn't like there was much else they could do and Cloudlock was well aware that Soundwave was growing tired of running and hiding. They had to learn more about GHOST and its location. And the only way to do it was to get inside.

"... How long should I wait before I come get you out?"

Cloudlock hesitantly asked, looking up to see the other's red visor meet his gaze. Soundwave didn't respond, lookin back down the tunnel. Cloudlock grew nervous with each silent second before speaking again.

"We agreed I'd come help you if you aren't able to get out."

"We agreed that you come in if the Cassettes are unable to gather information and are able to escape to find you. It is better if you are not involved at all."

"That's not fair-!"

Cloudlock fully turned to him, wings flared a bit in distress. They were already anxious enough that they had to let Soundwave leave- but not being able to help if all else fails?

"I'm not useless, Soundwave!"

"I never said you were."

Soundwave's usual monotone voice grew a bit stern as he looked back at the seeker and put a hand on his shoulder, making their frame relax only ever so slightly. Cloudlock wasn't actually angry at him. Soundwave knew them too well. He was worried. When was Cloudlock ever not worried? And he had every right to be. Even with help, there was no real way to prepare for something unexpected.

A small, shaky ex-vent left Cloudlock as his wings drooped, cyan optics once again looking down the tunnel. Every little bit of his whole being was hoping this would work. He couldn't lose Soundwave too. Not after everything. Not after millions of years of fighting and losing loved ones for their freedom. Not after losing their only way home. He could not lose another dear thing.
"They will be here soon."

Cloudlock almost wished his audio receptors did pick up those words, Because he knew what it meant. He looked back at Soundwave. He had yet to remove his hand from their shoulder. Soundwave wasn't really one to comfort with words, but rather small actions- And Cloudlock couldn't be more thankful. They leaned a bit towards him, resting the front of their helm on the bottom of their chestplate.

"You better get out of there once you're done... and we'll meet back here, right?"

Cloudlock glanced back up to catch Soundwave giving a slight nod before they picked up the very distant sound of something approaching. Soundwave finally removed his hand and started moving into position to hide, and as much as the seeker wanted to follow, they had to stick to the plan- and they headed the opposite direction to hide as well- However, Cloudlock did not go far. They couldn't. They had to stay and make sure everything was working-

They quickly walked alongside the outside of the tunnel, opposite to the side that Megatron had flown, staying behind crowded trees to stay hidden. They paused, giving a slight peek over the edge and seeing their former leader, out of his aircraft form and leaning against the tunnel wall. Cloudlock had not seen him since... The battle at the Spacebridge. The look of guilt and almost hopelessness on his faceplate after when the Spacebridge and possibly the Allspark was destroyed. But now here he was, humming some sort of tune and silently cursing it for being 'catchy'. Though Cloudlock quickly backed up and hid when they saw Megatron's helm perk up and turned to look towards the dark tunnel.

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