Runaway part 1

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  It's only been a few days since Cloudlock and Soundwave's plans had started. and unfortunately, Cloudlock can't prepare for everything that comes his way. Especially G.H.O.S.T Who had somehow found his location.

Scrap scrap scRAP SCRAP-

Cloudlock was trying so hard to keep their distance- They weren't causing any problems! How did the GHOST Agents find him anyhow?? He thought he was fairly deep in the woods, but they guessed not far enough. The yelling barely faded behind him as he tried to get away by foot, which they thought would be easier to lose the agents, but that was quickly looking to be false. It wasn't like he had much time to make an escape plan at the moment-

He had only glanced behind him for a second, but when he looked back forwards, his optics widened and he skidded to a stop, nearly stumbling back.

"Easy, Cloudlock-"

Optimus Prime. Him of all bots- And he dared to speak to the seeker like that would calm him from his current attempt of escape. He carefully raised up his hands, showing that he wasn't holding any weapons. He could still attack though, Cloudlock reminded themself, The Prime wouldn't be dumb enough to come to capture a Decepticon empty handed- Especially with what Cloudlock saw with his fight with Soundwave.

"You need to surrender and-"


Cloudlock nearly yelped in response, their frame shaking as they tried desperately to think of a way out. Transforming and flying off wasn't an option anymore- Not with the much larger bot so close. He could easily catch him mid flight. And running on foot can only get them so far.

"I can be sure that you are treated well. We only want peace, just as you do."


The seeker's optics narrowed as if the Prime before him just insulted them. Peace? What a sick joke that was! Hunting down and taking every Decepticon by force- Taking away the freedom they had fought millions of years for. And he DARE spoke of wanting peace!

"I'm not- I'm n-not going with you! I'm not even going n-near the humans! Why can't you just leave us alone!?"

Optimus' faceplate fell a bit to look of almost.. Concern? Why would he care? Why was he looking at him like he was worried about how badly he was shaking? How much panic and desperation was filling his voice box? None of these questions were answered as a sound of a shot filled the area, the seeker not having enough time to turn around before they felt a burning pain in one of his wings.

The agents had shot him with his back turned.

Cloudlock fully turned around at an alarmingly quick speed, servo retracting to send back a few shots of his own, but he only got one or two out before being grabbed by the back of his neck and pulled back, making Cloudlock lose his balance and his next shot hitting a tree. But before Optimus could get another word out in an attempt to calm him down,The seeker kicked himself off the ground, lifting one leg to send a swift and harsh kick to the Prime's face, which surprisingly landed with a hard 'THUNK!' and caused him to let go.


Another shot or two were fired as the GHOST agents had finally caught up, one of them hitting Cloudlock's other wing with a sickening cracking sound. The increasing pain only fueled the panic and fear that ran deep into their spark, their movements purely becoming a fight or flight response. And from the looks of it, Cloudlock wasn't going to be able to take flight anytime soon. Before he could lift his arm again to take aim, Optimus grabbed it rather tightly- Any tighter and he could easily crush his arm guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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