graduation party🎉🎉🎉

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Stiles pov-

"Hey stiles"! I turn to see who's calling my name and of course it's....jackson.. "yeah jackson"? He rolls his eyes then drags Danny up to me "Danny needs a dance partner, you need a dance partner, your both gay so go dance thx bye". Jackson them shoves Danny towards me then runs off to dance with Lidia "hey sorry man Jackson's a bit tipsy so he thought I'd be funny if the school guys danced or whatever". I shrug my shoulders then say "eh why not I don't mind honestly no offense but I don't like like you so it's no big deal" Danny chuckles at this then holds out a hand "good cause I don't like like you either".  We then run off to the dance floor and dance like it's the last night of are lives to Shakira. As we're dancing Danny twirls me and we're laughing are asses of until I notice Scott getting dragged of unconscious. Me and Scott aren't really on good terms anymore but I'm still worried so "hey Danny I've got to go my dad just texted saying he needs help with some case files". Danny nods then I follow as the man drags Scott into the parking lot. I put a hand on my gun as I turn the corner but what I see makes me sick. When I turn the corner I see Scott getting ripped to shreads and I accidentally let a small gasp out wich gets the attackers attention. They look up at me with red yellow eyes?! I pull out my gun as he charges at me then aim for his head. "Oh fuck this"! I shoot and it hits dead center inbetween there eyes then the fall onto the ground. "Holy shit?! I need to thank Chris for the gun later.."! I look around then walk over to Scott he's all blooded up but there's not much of a wound? But I just saw him get torn to shreds?! Well this is gonna suck isn't it? "Hey Scott get the fuck up"! Scott then sties awake and looks really confused "stiles"? I sigh then point to his chest "I could of sworn I just saw you die but you seem fine to me so I'm gonna go home and pretend this was all just a drunken dream k"? Scott then jumps up and grabs my wrist "y- you can't leave stiles! You just killed someone"! I look at him shocked and a bit pissed. "First he was tearing you to shreds, second he tried to kill me it was self defense so I don't care". I sound cold but in all honesty I'm really pissed so I think I'm keeping calm enough. "You don't care! You just killed someone! Your a horrible person"! I snap back around and shake his wrist off mine " listen asshat I just had helped you so if your gonna be a black and white prissy bitch do it I'm your own time I'm tired and had way to much tequila to be having this conversation got it"? Scott looks at me disgusted but does nothing so I walk off and go home to my apartment. As I'm grabbing my keys to go inside I feel like I'm being watched soni turn around but there's no one there so I unlock my door and go inside making sure to lock it back when I get inside. I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whiskey "me and tequila might not be friends but this is my toxic relationship". I then take a gulp from the bottle and walk to my couch. I plop down and turn on the new Spiderman movie. I take another swig from he glass when I hear a nock at my door but I don't want to awnser so I stay put. After a minute the person at the door starts banging on my door so I set down the whiskey and walk to the door. "Who the hells at my door? I didn't awnser so I'm obviously busy asshole"! I open the door to see a really pissed off Scott he pushes through the door and grabs me by the neck. "What the hell scott"! I can barely breathe but I'm able to grab my gun from my waiste band and press it to his stomach "oh so your gonna kill me to? Go figure you fucking murderer"! This pisses me off so I move it to his deck and say "no I wasn't gonna kill you but if you don't let go and get the hell out of my house I'm gonna shoot you in the dick". I give him the most innocent smile as I say this and he growls at me?! What the fuck did this bitch just growl!? "Scotty are you a furry? Cause I could have sworn I just heard you growl"? Scott then let's go of me a flashes red eyes at me "no you dumbass I have licanthropy look it up". I know what licanthopy is! Wait a damn second! "Your saying your a werewolf.... okay that makes sense". It makes allot more sense now all the full moon shit he did back then ha! "What the hell? How does that make sense to you"? I shrug my shoulders then ask "so are you really like super sensitive to silver"? Scott rolls his eyes at me and gives me the awnser I needed "no that's a dumb think hunters made up werewolves are bad with fire not silver". I smile after he says this then walk to my kitchen to grab a lighter. Scott doesn't know what I'm doing so as soon as he sees me grab a lighter he looks like the suggest piece of shit I've ever seen "a little fire like that can't hurt me". I then grab a can of air freshener on my counter and then boom blow torch! I use it to blow a high amount of fire towards Scott then he runs out my door so fast I didn't see him. "Now I'm going to bed today's been stressful.

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