hottie allert🚨

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Stiles pov-

I woke up at around 8:00 this morning. It's still a little damp outside so I decide to take a shower than I text Lydia.

Stiles💀💀💀- hey gurl wanna go to the mall today?

Lidds💋: sure what time?

Stiles💀💀💀- around 9? That good for you?

Lidds💋- sure see you then!

After this I check the time and it's 8:15 so I get dressed into some ripped jeans with a white Hoodie than a lightning blue jacket on top of that. I finish getting dressed and it's 8:30 so I get in my jeep and drive to the mall that's 20 minutes away. I pull up in the parking lot than go inside and wait at are usual cafe for her. As I'm waiting I get on my phone and text her again.

Stiles💀💀💀- you almost here?

Lidds💋-  yeah but I'm bringing someone because I'm borrowing his car lmao

Stiles💀💀💀- is it one of your boyfriends again? I don't wanna feel like a third wheel lmao

Liddd💋- no never! He's gay, fugly and definitely not my type!

Stules💀💀💀- is he hot then?

Lidds💋- he's definitely your type but you have weird taste lmao

Stiles💀💀💀- 😱 omg I'm so offended lmao

Lidds💋- whatever I'm here look behind you.

I turn around and see her so I wave and there's a hot guy behind her?! I give her a knowing look and she sighs. "Hello to you to stiles". "Hey lidds so when you said he was fugly you were pulling my leg right?" Lydia makes a grossed out face then shakes her head saying " no I was not, now what should we do first? There's a new book store with some good novels wanna check it out?" I nod then say " sure thing but I ordered a drink so I need to wait here for a momment". Lydia smiles and says "sure wanna sit down and wait? Derek is probably gonna sit at a table on the farther end so he won't interfere are convo". "Good cause I have some things to ask you about Scott that I learned as of late~" Lydia flinched then makes eye contact with Derek wich confuses me but whatever. We walk to are table and sit down. " I'll put it blunt you've talked about werewolves alot when your drunk and I didn't realize until last night but werewolves are real and you knew Scott was one didn't you"? This caught her off gaurd clearly and she says " yes but how did you find out?!" I sigh then say "well last night at the graduation party I had seen Scott get dragged out of the gym unconscious and even tho I hate the guy we used to be good friends so I went to check what was happening and this black and white fool was being ripped to shreds so I shot the on killing him in the forehead when he noticed me, then he was nocked down and all the sudden Scott was healed and yelling at me for killing someone the a couple hours later he bangs on my door attacks me tells me he's a werewolf then let's it slip Fite is dangerous so I use fire to scare him away". Lydia looks at me shocked and unamused "w- what? You killed someone? Stiles t- that's not okay...' I look at her clearly pissed than say "they would have fucking killed me!? You are just as much of a fool as him you know that?" Then all the sudden Derek apears out of nowhere and grabs my arm. " finally someone with some common sense I was starting to think you all were idiots". I look at him a bit surprised and blush a tad bit when he grabs my arm then he takes me to his car and says "your comming with me for now I need you to talk to someone for me". I am so confused and shocked but let him drive off.

To be continued-----🐺>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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