02 - detention

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"Oh my god stop flicking your camera on my fucking face!" Seokjin grumbled as he shoved taehyung's phone away, in annoyed. Taehyung was clicking pictures of seokjin and jimin.

Taehyung sighs walking towards jimin since seokjin wouldn't pay any attention to him. "Jimin say cheez!" He cheered flinching jimin but he smiled nonetheless unlike seokjin who would get annoyed.

"Cheez!" Jimin showes his two fingers making a V sign and smiled, the click sound was heard in two seconds and taehyung screams happily.

"Hashtag school life, hashtag jimin and taehyung..." Taehyung chanted while walking down the class and taking his seat.

Jimin gained his attention to the black board again and started to write the date and lectures name.

Jungkook hoseok and namjoon just entered the class, the both of them took their seat in their perspective desk expect for jungkook who glances at jimin before walking to his own desk.

"He looks so beautiful today," he said to hoseok who just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, keep drooling and do nothing about your feelings, when are you going to tell him that you like him?" He said while sighing, he can't stand jungkook do nothing but stare at jimin and stutter the fuck out whenever the guy is close to him.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to tell your crush?" Jungkook defeated while frowning his eyebrows and squinting his eyes at hoseok. The other gulped and managed to glance at taehyung who was smiling at his phone.

"He wouldn't like me anyways," he sighs.

Jungkook frowns his eyebrows I'm confusion. "why wouldn't he like you? You are handsome and good looking."

Hoseok chuckles. "You realise he's always in his mobile phone expect for when he studies? He have so many admirers and he would rather date someone among them than me." He says sadly.

"Y'all talking about your crushes?" Namjoon asked from behind flinching jungkook. He placed his hand on his chest heavily breathing.

"Yeah, and please stop giving me heart attack!" Jungkook raised his voice in annoyance.

"Y'all i got a crush on seokjin," he whisperes while wiggling his eyebrows.

"We know it's obvious," hoseok chuckles and smacks namjoon's back of head who pressed his lips in thin line.

"Well i didn't knew," Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation. "You have a crush on that dramatic pretty princess?" He asked namjoon in disbelief.

Namjoon frowns his eyebrows. "Yah! Don't call him that."

The history class started, taehyung and seokjin were talking and whispering with eachother making miss Lee grumbles and slam the book on the table. "Taehyung and seokjin! Are you both paying attention!?"

"Do you see us paying attention?" Taehyung states and the whole class was silent, ready to witness a drama by seokjin and taehyung.

"You put that attitude down Mr kim taehyung!"

"He doesn't have it up miss Lee." Seokjin said with a smirk and the whole class started laughing including namjoon and hoseok who didn't had any intrest in class but their crush. Jungkook just shook his head.

Jimin frowns his eyebrows at his best friends sitting just beside him on the other row, these bitches. He shook his head at them.

"Yes he does." Miss Lee defeated with a determined look.

"No, plus I'm not the only one not paying attention here, you only like to target me out of the rest of us because you said I'm too dumb to even understand simple English but i beat your favourite student in the quiz B-" taehyung was rambling when Miss Lee cuts him off.

"Not another word, young man!"

"Word." Seokjin replied with a satisfied look.

"That's it! That's detention for you both!" She yelled before walking out of the class the moment the bell rang.

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