03 - pathetic loser

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"Taehyung was dope don't you think?" Hoseok laughed while leaning on the locker. "No wonder miss lee's face was so red and yellow."

"I know, right?" Namjoon scoffed. "she always thinks that targeting taehyung and seokjin is right thing because they are the most mannerless in the class but she should understand her own attitude towards the students, she always compromise between the students." He shook his head after saying his point of view.

"Oh please," jungkook interrupted. "You only take their side because they're your crush." He said showing two fingers and flapping them up and down while rolling his eyes.

"Yo, if it was Jimin you would've said the same." Namjoon squints his eyes at jungkook.

"As if, he would never be mannerless like your crazy crushes." He said before stomping away but he was pushed his back on the locker.

The students around them gasped, jungkook looked fucking terrified when yoongi pushed him back on the locker. "Where is my homework? I got double detention last time, you wouldn't want to get beat double time, do you bunny?"

"I- yes.. well let me check my backpack-"

"I don't fuckin' wanna," he smirked. "I know you forget to bought."

"Yoongi leave him alone." Hoseok said while pushing yoongi aside and shielding jungkook on his back.

"You really like to wiggle around this asshole, don't you!?" He screams before throwing a punch to hoseok's face who fall flat on the ground.

"Hey!" Namjoon frowns his eyebrows in anger and held Yoongi's arm which was matching to meet Jungkook's face, "you don't look cool fucking around yoongi, stop this!"

"You wanna taste my medicine, don't you?" He said pushing namjoon on the locker before throwing a punch on his jaw.

"Y-Yoongi, I'll do your homework right now please leave him!" Jungkook stammered out horrified by how angry yoongi is looking.

"You are such a pathetic loser jungkook," yoongi released namjoon and faced jungkook who backed away hitting his back on the locker, having nowhere to run.

The students were still whispering about them and getting scared because of yoongi, some of them wanted to intervene but other students stopped them.

"You can't do anything expect watching your friends getting beaten do you?" He said with a smirk slamming his right hand on the locker at jungkook's back just beside his head. "You'll never change."

Jungkook's eyee flattered as his orbs shines out of tears, so pathetic. He couldn't do anything when yoongi was punching his dear friends only out of fear and how scared he is. He might as well be strong mentally but he's never strong physically, he wish he was muscular and having a perfect body, so girls and boys would be crazy over him.

He's a nobody compared to yoongi who's perfect, handsome, good looking, many admirers, badass, cool, emo blah blah. The list is so long and he thinks jimin might have crush on yoongi? He can't help but feel his heart sink down at the thought of his crush having a crush on someone.

"What's going on there!! Why it is so crowded!!" Mr su shouted in the hallways, he is the wise principal of the school and all the students fears him.

The students hurriedly walked inside their classrooms in eerie fear, namjoon and hoseok were still on the floor holding their jaw. Yoongi was glaring at jungkook. Jungkook was just standing there wordlessly.

"Is there a fight going on!?" Mr su screamed walking closer to the boy's.

"Yes sir," Yoongi answered. "jungkook was threatening me that he'll punch me." Yoongi said with a fake concern and the wise principal gasped.

"I didn't expected this from you jungkook!" He said, as his eyes fall on namjoon and hoseok he glares at jungkook, "did you punched namjoon and hoseok too!?"

Jungkook was silent, the words yoongi spoke were still running inside his mind like a broken recorder.

Pathetic loser.

Pathetic loser.

Pathetic lo-

"It's detection for the four of you! Stay after school and principal will decide what to give you as panishment!"

"But sir i didn't do anything?" Yoongi said with a pout, trying to defend himself.

"You still get detention, you lied that you completed your math homework but where is it? I don't see it, you even got double detention so it's second detention for you!" Mr su said before walking away.

"It's all because of you, pathetic loser!" Yoongi whisperes in Jungkook's ear before walking away leaving the hallways.

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