16 - teamwork

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Alex walked them to a open and wide Hut, supposedly to be his home. Taehyung and jimin took a rest on two one-seated wooden couches as jungkook and namjoon were talking with eachother. Hoseok was roaming around the place with jin, observing everything.

"What are you making?" Jungkook asked when he saw Alex doing something.

"Margaritas, it's actually one of my strengths. That and piloting although I did got shot down by a couple of Orangutans, in fighter jet, so maybe not that great at it." He poured drinks into cups. "anyways, cheers!"

Jimin and taehyung couldn't really listen because they were talking with eachother, Alex handed them the cups of their own and jimin chug the drink carelessly. He saw taehyung, namjoon and taehyung spit out the drink.

"Please I've been drinking this since i was like eleven years old." Jimin said making Alex smile and pour some more into his cup.

Yoongi was walking around the hut examining things, "Alex what's up with all these candles?" He asked pointing at survival candles. "Uh, citronella. One of my weakness is mosquitoes, wich is.. kind of bummer when you live in a jungle and in a open Hut." He explained.

"Who's this? Who's Allen Parris?" Hoseok asked pointing at the trees wood that was across the hut. "he's the guy who built this place." Alex answered.

Jimin sat down beside jungkook because why not.

"Wait you mean other people have been stuck here too?" Jin asked parting his lips looking shocked. "Yeah this is Allen Parris's house, I'm just living in it."

"Alex.. so tell me how long you've been in this game," taehyung asked as he walked outside where the members were talking.

"Uh it's tough to say, time's kind of funny here. Like probably few month's? I guess."

"A few month's!?" Namjoon shouted.

"uhm whad is ghoing oouun." Jimin said while managing to open his eyes, as he dropped his head on Jungkook's shoulders who gulped.

"Yeah i wasn't able to make past transportation shed."

"Transportation shed? Whats that?" Hoseok asked looking at the members to back at Alex.

Alex sighed. "it's next level, first time my hot-air balloon wouldn't even take off, and there was the whole plane i mentioned." He stopped and rolled up his sleeves, "and once i got down to my last life, i realised i was screwed. And that i was never gonna get out of here by myself."

"You sure can't," hoseok said with a smile. "You need zoologiest for that." He gustered himself with his thumb.

"And a snake defanger." Yoongi added with a smirk.

"Alex we can help eachother," namjoon said standing up.

"You've been here for a long time and between us... We have a lot of strength," Jungkook said as he scope his left arm when jimin was about to fall.

Jimin giggled. "Yesh we are actually pretty good together." he said staring up at jungkook who just gave him a small smile.

"I don't know bro," Alex slightly shook his head. "okay. I mess up one more time and I'm toasted. Totally freaks me out even thinking about going back to transportation shed. I don't wanna die in Jumanji."

Hoseok, jin and taehyung lowered their head in disappointment. "we just gotta stick together. If we do that we can win. I know we can, Alex." Jungkook encouraged him.

Then yoongi gasped. "Oh my god you're our missing piece! You were the thing that we needed to found." He said like a happy kid.

"Oh gosh you are right yoongi!" Namjoon agreed as a unwilling smile cross Alex's face.

"So the clue was to what? Go to the bazaar to find the missing piece? It wasn't an elephant!" Jin said.

Alex cocked his eyebrows and stuttered. "i-it was me?" He asked as yoongi grinned. "Yes! It was you!"

Suddenly jimin started snoring while nuzzling his nose on Jungkook's shoulder. "oh he must be tired," Jungkook muttered as he softly held him, jimin's pout was activated making the taller coo at him.

"He's do drunk," namjoon stated and everyone chuckled softly.

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