20 - Hello little boy

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AN / listen to 'baby i love your way' by big mountain for feels and vibes :)


"flirt like my life depends on it and it actually do!" Jimin rambled while fake crying. "Is my hair okay? Yeah i guess so and I'm looking okay as always." He praised himself and tried to calm his breathing.

"If i ever die, taehyung, jin, jungkook all the six of you, please visit my lunatic parents and tell them that i never stopped loving them." He said rapidly while walking down towards the soldiers.

"Ima do shit!" Jimin cheered himself.

"Gosh, I don't think I'm doing it right." Jimin whisperes to himself nervously while he tried to sway his hips.

"Hello little boy, what are you doing out here alone?" The soldier on the right side asked while pointing at him.

Jimin bent down and threw his head up while gasping. "Hey guy's, I seem to be l-lost. Will you help me?" He asked while clapping his eyelashes, giving a cute pout and expression.

"Hello little boy, what are you doing out here alone?" The soldier asked again.

"What the fuck?" Jimin muttered to himself. "Maybe they are also NPC." He said to himself.

He didn't know what to do so he just laughed catching their attention more. "hahaha! You guy's are so funny and intresting!"

He stopped laughing seeing jungkook and the boys slowly sneaking inside the border of the transportation shed, but the soldiers might have seen him looking and so they also looked at the direction where jimin was looking.

"Wait!" He shouted grabbing their attention. "i.. i.. have to tell you guys about this book that I've been reading..." Jimin said but runs out of the that he was about to say. "About microbiology, which is one of my favourite biologies." He twirl his hair a bit by his fingers then proceed to bite his lips.

"I'm so cringe." Jimin thought to himself.

"Hello little boy, what are you doing out here alone?" The guy on the left cocked his gun at jimin causing him to step back and turn around.

"I'm a badass, I'm a badass! Jungkook told you, you're a badass!!" He said to himself. Then a radio started playing.

Oh baby, i love your way, everyday yeah, yeah
Oh baby, i love your way, everyday

"Dance fighting!" Jimin remembered his strength just a moment. He smirked and started to walk towards the two man, slowly while swaying his steps delicately.

"Hey guys, do ya all like to dance?" He asked as he teasingly slides his hand behind and smirked while looking in the guy's eyes.

Shadows grow so long before my eyes,

He started doing his lustful act and walked over the other guy while roaming his hand around the man's body, all he wanted to do was vomit at the point.

And they're moving across the page,

He got ahold of the gun in his belt just in case then he put his hands on the NPCs neck and meet their faces close, he teasingly brushed his nose on the guy's.

Suddenly the days turns into night.

He made a target and dropped their guns on the ground, then the male made his hands way to jimin's neck. The pink haired guy smirked and grabbed the man's hand twisting it on his back, then throwing him in the ground face meeting with ground.

Far away, from the city
'cause your love, just won't wait,

He forced other man to look at him who deadly punched jimin in the stomach making the boy bend down, he grunts before glaring at the man. He was now angry how dare someone hit him.

The moon appears to shine and light the skies,
With the help of some fireflies.

He runs towards the guy with full force and bend him down forcefully while climbing on his back he hit on his neck before he swings his whole fingure infront of his front body and slammed him on the ground as the both soldiers grunts in pain.

Cause your love, just won't wait.

The both guys gets up on their knees but before they could process anything jimin swings his leg and kicked their both's faces.

"Yo go my boy!" He heard taehyung said from the window of the transportation shed.

Jimin pulled up a smirk within himself before he walked over the transportation shed.

The while he was walking while swaying his hip, the shed where the soldiers were fall down making a big noise and making jimin look like a hero in those movie's.

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