23 - my type

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"You know what, you were amazing jungkook!" Jimin chuckled while praising jungkook.

"Thank you." Jungkook got flustered as he scratched the back of his neck as a nervous habit.

"You are a killer pilot Alex!" Yoongi exclaimed while clinging onto Alex's arm who laughed and ruffled Yoongi's hair. "Thank you."

Jin walked with namjoon while they complimented other guys totally forgetting about namjoon's sacrifices. "Hey!" He shouted catching their attention. "Excuse me! Excuse me! I'm the one that was a human sacrifice!"

"You don't know what's on the underside of that rihnos... And you don't wanna know. I've seen alot of things." He was making it too serious and everyone wanted to laugh. "Felt them on my face too."

"Things that i won't be able to erase from my memory." With that jimin whizzed and all of them started laughing expect jin and namjoon. "It's okay joonie." Jin said while trying to coax his boyfriend.

"Oh that's funny to you guys. Get it out and oh I thought you were on my side jimin." Namjoon started to laugh too and so did jin.

"Guys I've been trying to get across this canyon since like a long time okay? Do you know how happy I am right now." Alex started.

"Yes, i understand." Jungkook said while patting on his shoulder.

"Uhm.. jungkook.." Yoongi nervously called out for jungkook who looked back at yoongi with a frown. "What?" He asked.

"I just wanna say.. I'm sorry.. for all the things I've done to you. Sorry, for making the work hard for you guys, i almost let everybody die there-"

"It's okay." Jungkook cuts in. "Everything's okay, i just want you not to bully me. I don't know what problem you have with me though. But okay?" He said shaking his head with a understanding smile.

Everyone smiled at the conversation, namjoon and hoseok were glad that they wouldn't have to protect jungkook from yoongi now.

Then yoongi suddenly walked towards jungkook and hugged him wrapping his arms around the taller's waist as jimin gasped.

"It's not okay.. I'm sorry.." Yoongi trailed off while squeezing Jungkook in the hug.

"I-its okay.." jungkook said nervously as yoongi pulled back, smirking at jimin.


They all stopped at a river to gather some strength for a while. Jin and namjoon were talking with eachother. Hoseok and taehyung were filling some water in the bottles while yoongi and Alex were having a deep talk with eachother.

Jimin walked on the ground lazily, as his legs were paining. He stepped on a uneven rock and was about to fall when someone held him by his waist. He fastly clutched on someone's jacket as he slowly opened his eyes to see jungkook.

"Hey." Jungkook called him softly.

"U-uh yeah.. hey." Jimin said while hurriedly withdrawing himself from jungkook.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"Uhm.. just filling these up." The shorter showed water bottles.

"Cool." Jungkook replied and they both fell in a awkward and uncomfortable silence. After a moment he said. "i have something to tell you jimin." The pink haired guy immediately stopped his movement and looked at jungkook with curiousity.

"Uh.. maybe leter." Jimin spat rudely, he was still jealous because of yoongi and jungkook hugging, and now that jungkook wantes to talk to him made him only annoyed more.

"I wanna tell you now."

"I told you, let-"

"Just in case the next time we talk, I'll be no longer brave." Jungkook said cutting in and grabbing jimin's wrist making him face to face with himself.

He slided his left arm around jimin's waist pulling him more close as jimin gasped. Jimin fluttered his eyes. "fine, what it is?"

"I really like you jimin, I'm fully into you." Jungkook admitted as jimin's eyes goes wide open. He lets go off jimin's hand but still his arm around the shorter's waist. "Have been since like tenth grade, you are just so beautiful, smart, elegant, gorgeous and so many things. I don't know if you like me back that kinda way but just so you know.. I'm that nerdy, snoby, not so handsome in real life and i know you wouldn't like me."

"You like me? You mean romantically?" Jimin asked while suppressing his big wide smile wanting to break out, as he looked into Jungkook's eyes for an answer.

"Yeah. Romantically, and since two years." Jungkook admitted with a sad smile.

"Wow," jimin chuckled. "I don't think this has ever happened before."


"I don't think, anyone has ever liked me for being me? They all say I'm a good class president, a controlling asshole or a bold bitch who like to maintain students and.. kinda kinda.. but no one has ever told me this.." He tapped his index finger on Jungkook's chest and giggled. He was blushing a mess, his cheeks turned pinker as his eyes shine with pupils. "Uh.. i can't believe I'm doing this.. i never tell anyone how i feel. Not even my closest friends."

Jimin stared into jungkook eyes as they didn't wanted to look away from eachother's. "I'm.. i also like you jungkook.. in a romantic way." He admitted.

Jungkook's eyes goes wide as he chuckled. "Really?"

Jimin nodded.

"Wait.. you are not liking me because.. I'm this cool jock, riding bikes, doing fight and flying boomerang?" Jungkook asked with a frown.

"What? No!" Jimin laughed. "I don't like jock guy's.. you're cute whenever you wear glasses.. i mean uhm.. my type of boys are nerds. " Jimin said honestly and jungkook just gave him a sweet and soft smile.

"Really!?" Jungkook giggled. "I'm a nerd!"

The both of them stopped laughing and looked at eachother seriously while licking their lips not knowing the other was doing the same. Jimin took a step closer to jungkook as the taller did the same, jimin's hands made its way to jungkook's neck as the taller closed his eyes and leaned in when he felt jimin's small hand on his lips.

"Not so fast doctor jeongguk." Jimin giggled as he pulled away. Jungkook whined. "Come on jimin, I've been craving to kiss your lips since two years you know how hard it is for me?" Jungkook complained.

"And there's you-" jungkook was cut off by jimin pressing his lips on Jungkook's taking the taller off guard. It felt as if the spark began to swim through their veins, as they are melting in eachother's touch, so close yet they kept pulling eachother, until there was no distance left.

Jimin's hands now moved towards Jungkook's neck as he cupped the back of the taller's neck. Jungkook fisted jimin's pink hair in his hand tilting his head on the right. They had closed their eyes moving their lips on eachother's as if they were telling eachother their feelings through the kiss.

Lips dancing carefully as if they are missing piece of Puzzle. Lips swiped slowly and gently as jungkook wasn't able to take it anymore. After a while they both pulled away, their nose and forehead brushing against eachother.

"You test like exactly how i imagined." Jungkook whispered against jimin's lips.

"You imagined? Well, i bet you've imagined so much more." Jimin smirked as jungkook chuckled before pulling him in a hug.

"Would you be my boyfriend when we get out of this game?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin leaned off and faced him with a smile which turns his eyes into crescent. "Ofcourse, you are so stupid! You never understood my actions? I don't kiss a random guy on cheek if I don't like him in a romantic way." He said while joining his forehead with Jungkook's.

"And Ofcourse I'll be your boyfriend once we get out of this game, I'm craving to do romantic things with you." He said making jungkook laugh as kiss him again.

Jumanji | Jikook And BTS ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ