24 - the plan

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It was nearly night when they reached the statue. They stopped and stared at it from a distance. "There it is." Namjoon said.

"We better get walking." Jungkook said and they all started to walk.

The eight of them reached a dark forest towards the jaguar statue and for some cinematic effects. The creator of the game thought it would be cool to add lighting and thunders to this last level. "I think we should just follow this path." Namjoon said looking in the map.

"Something is off." Jimin said worriedly while looking at the six boy's.

"Jimin's right, this can't be that easy." Alex shook his head.

"The defenders?" Namjoon asked.

"What does that mean?" Jin questioned.

"There's only one way to find out." Jungkook muttered. "Namjoon, give me the jewel." Namjoon took out the jewel from his backpack and gave it to jungkook who held it softly. Suddenly the torches lit up from the path and drums started to play.

"What a fun night. Heheheh." Jin laughed nervously.

"Something is about to happen." Hoseok stated.

"I hate those drums." Yoongi scowled.

Jungkook was about to walk when jimin stopped him. "Wait. You're going to just walk there jungkook?"

"No." He replied. "That's what game wants us to do. Follow the path.. it's a trap."

Then yoongi pushed jimin gently and came infront of the both boy's to see the statue of two elephants. "When you see the elephant begin to climb."

"I'll go through the trees." Jungkook said gaining their attention.

"The trees?"


"Do you think that's what that means?" Taehyung asked jungkook. "That must be it." Hoseok agreed to jungkook.

"That's the move. It's the final level of the game and I'm pretty sure this is a jeongguk thing." Jungkook said and started to climb the trees.

"Did he just refer to himself as the third person?" Jin asked while walking closer to jimin. "Fourth person i think." Jimin corrected.

They all watched jungkook climbing trees to other tree. "How does he do that?" Jimin asked impressed by his boyfriend.

"You remember? His one of strength is climbing." Namjoon reminded.

"Oh yeah. Gotcha!"

"Cake makes me explode you know." Jin said to Alex who laughed nervously.

Then they all heard a thud followed by jungkook screaming.

Hoseok, yoongi and namjoon keep calling Jungkook's name while taehyung and jin tried to calm jimin who wanted to run there and save his boyfriend.

Jaguars appeared from the torch light path and ran away while making some noises. Jungkook fall back on the ground and ran towards the boy's, jimin immediately engulfed jungkook in a hug wrapping his arms around the taller's neck. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing happened to me jimin, don't worry." Jungkook said while kissing jimin's forehead and all of them sighed in relief.

"So we need a plan." Alex said and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Yoongi, can i talk to you for a minute?" Jungkook pointed his finger at yoongi, his voice cracking.

"Uh.. yeah?"

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