Chapter 9: The Star-Crossed Lovers

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Tower of Dove Chapter 9: The Star-Crossed Lovers

The forest was so quiet, which was usually how Lilyana liked it but this day, as she sat in the meadow with her face buried in her knees, it unsettled her. Only three days ago, she had believed silence to be a luxury. Now, she could feel what it really was.


She was alone. She had been alone for seven years, and it was her fault. She had done it to herself. She had shut out the world and all its beauty. She’d lived her life through curtained eyes, and now it was too late. She was engaged to Simeon Oakleigh, and she would forever be lonely.

“Cute dress.”

Heat rose to her cheeks as she lifted her head. Hiero was there, standing about six feet in front of her with his hands in his pockets. He was smiling, always smiling.

“Hi,” she said as she stood. She brushed out the wrinkles in her dress and smoothed out her hair.

Hiero’s eyes popped, but then they turned to confusion. He didn’t move. “You’re done up rather nice.”

Lilyana could hear wariness in his voice. Her heart began to speed up. Would he hate her after she told him this? He could. It was very possible that he would. Her thoughtlessness had turned to cruelty. He may never want to see her again, but still, she had to tell him. She cleared her throat. “I, uh, have to tell you something. About myself.”

He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t speak. His expression didn’t show enough emotion to read. What was he thinking?

“I’m the eldest daughter of Ardice and Calanthe Ameline, of the Ameline house of nobility.”

Hiero continued to stare. She briefly wondered if this was how he felt when she would gaze off without answer.

“I didn’t realize that—I mean—I—uh.” She stopped. How was she supposed to explain this? She should just quit talking and run away. She should run straight to the river and drown herself!

“I kissed a noblewoman?” Hiero asked.

Lilyana again tried to read his expression, but it was blank. Was that really all he had to say? “Yeah, you did,” she answered.

He smiled, seeming almost pleased. “I’m such a stud.”

Lilyana’s temper flared. Was he so moronic that he didn’t realize how bad their situation had become? He was such an imbecile!

“So am I going to be stoned or something?”

So he had realized. She calmed down and wiped her hair out of her eyes, keeping them towards the ground and avoiding looking at him. “You could probably be thrown in prison,” she mumbled.

He rubbed his hand through his hair and said, “Well, that’s not good.”

Lilyana bit her lip. “There’s . . . there’s more.”

He waited.

She took a deep breath. After telling him this, he would definitely leave. She couldn’t prevent her voice from shaking as she spoke. “As of yesterday evening, I’m en—engaged.”

Hiero frowned, and it was the sourest expression she had ever seen on his face before. Her stomach clenched with guilt.

“I didn’t choose this,” she added quickly. “It was arranged. I didn’t know about it until this morning—I swear. I would’ve never . . . I wouldn’t have intentionally done this to you. I hadn’t planned on—on whatever this is. I didn’t realize.”

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