Your 'New' Office-Kitchen-Bathroom-Room Hybrid.

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You heard a door being opened, a click, and then him grumbling stuff you couldn't hear. After some coughing on his end, some sneezes, and some shuffling he returned to you while seeming to clap dust off his hands. He looked at you, "There is a room next to my office. It is what is on the other side of those blinds." He then gestured his head to the blinds you actually didn't notice till he mentioned. There were blind on the wall to the left of his desk, they seemed to be covering something that was the same size as the window in the front of his office. He continued, "That room used to be a partner of mine... they quit and then disappeared on me. So that room has been locked and shut closed for quite some time... it's a bit... dusty. But that can, for now, serve as your temporary room." He finished saying as he then pointed to the blind, "And don't open the blinds. Only times you should open the blinds is for emergency purposes or if it's serious. Got it?" You nodded. He turned to you after looking towards the room you were to take as yours, he then mumbled quietly, "I mean... It does have a mini-kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and office all in one, set up. My ex-business-partner was... needy." Jesus christ, that room sounds huge. Or was it all seriously squished tight? You hoped not.

You then waited for him to look in your direction as you leaned forward a bit, "Can I go check it out? P-please?" He nodded as he polled up and folded his sleeves up to his elbows. He has some muscle... stuffing? How the fuck does a puppet look muscular. He gave a hand gesture for you to go before mumbling, "The manners are unneeded. Not gonna make me any happier." He said before turning around and sitting back down at his desk.

You quickly nodded and then stood up and hurried to check out the room that was likely to be your home now.

Entering through the doorway, the lighting was actually great and you could see well, you partially expected it to be like a horror movie scene.. All dark and eerie. You walked in and saw it definitely had plenty of dust built up and a few cobwebs. As you scanned the room you noticed, thank god, it was a huge room. The general area itself was wide and open and then there was a room built in. There were lots of large boxes laying around and random items... likely to be from the previous owner. You walked further in and started to check out the room that was inside the room. You found the bathroom located in a back corner, small but what more could you ask for. It had a small shower bath hybrid, a small sink with a mirror above it, and a small toilet. The rest of the place contained the kitchen in the back, a lot like Wally's- or... 'Mr.'. Though it had several other appliances. To the front of the giant room was a washer and dryer that were slightly smaller than your average, they sat under the window almost in a corner with some shelves. A laundry room... the machines and shelves, along with some other items, sat in a corner that was on the opposite side of the door to the main room. There was also a bed, with a nightstand and a dresser near it, that sat in the back corner, furthest from the door to the room. It was a full sized bed. Neat. And the office portion of the room was sitting nearly in the middle of the whole place, slightly off, and would definitely be the first thing you walked in to see. It had the exact same set up as Mr.'s office. Interesting. The previous owner seemed as if they practically lived here, or was that just that extra? Who knows, but thank god for it. You could actually live here thanks to this.

You whispered a 'thank you' as if the ghost of the previous owner would hear you. Wonder if he or she is dead... anyways. You smiled wide to yourself as you spun around thinking this could actually be sweet.

You then got startled by Mr., as you yelped and your body took a screenshot when you noticed him walking towards you from the main door. He raised an eyebrow as he made his way to stand near you. Managing to stay a foot or so away as he then spoke with his hands in his pockets, "This will work right? There aren't any issues?" He looked down at you. This made you ask him, "How tall are you..." He gave an annoyed look as he spoke quickly, "Eight-foot-three-inches. Now answer." DAMN.


You held a shocked expression, but should you really be shocked when he's standing right there, and you can see how tall he is. Anyways, you answered after giving your head a gentle shake, stuttering a bit, "No. It's actually almost perfect. I didn't expect this much space and stuff... I thought it would be a compact office with a microwave and a toilet in the corner to be honest. But a clean up and I can actually really live here. This is sweet!" You spoke rather enthusiastically. He looked at you with a slightly confused but more of an 'ok then' look as he nodded and closed his eyes while speaking, "Okay, well you're eventually going to be moved to another room... I think. I haven't decided exactly yet, but. I don't want you right next to my office and me. I can probably have something similar built somewhere else in the factory. So don't get comfy alright." heavy on the 'don't'. Damn, he definitely didn't like you. You nodded and gave a quiet 'right' as you watched him walk out and on his way out the doorway he asked as he slowed his pace to look behind him, at you, " [ Redacted ] , it was. Right." You nodded as you mumbled to yourself as you turned around away from him, "Damn does he have memory issues? That's the third time asking me. He is kind of stupidafter all, huh."

"I suggest you watch your fucking mouth."

You hear him scold in a growl, as you jump and turn around to see him still faced away but now looking at you from the corner of his eyes with the most pissed look you've seen from him yet. He looked like a super villain with how the lighting hit him right now and how his pupils seemed to shrink onto you.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

You're dead. Great going. You just got a nice place to live and now you're about to be killed by some huge man-puppet.

Your eyed extremely wide you paused before you saw his grip on the doorway tighten and could swear you saw his hand cause claw marks in the doorframe, "Who the fuck do you think you are. You want to say that louder? How about to my fucking face you tiny little cuck of a fucking pathetic shit filled fucking human." His words grew into more of a growl as he spoke and looked to just get more and more pissed. For some reason you got on your knees as if praying as you bowed your head and quickly stating in desperation, "I'msosorry- Ididn'tmeanit. I-I was getting aheadofmyself. I'mjuststressedsoI'mactingoutabit. Iapologizewithmywholebeing. Dowhat youwishtome, I'lltakeanyconsequence. Youcanevennotpaymefor a few months. I'msosorry-" He cut you off from continuing, he growled out, "Shut up." And you did so. You remained in your position, shaking and nearly crying. You heard his footsteps move as he stated and left, "If I ever hear you speak like that to me again I will show you how fucking smart I can be when it comes to torture. I dont give a fuck if you're stressed. I better not fucking hear it ever again. I will fucking kill you." He growled most of it out and hissed the last part. And then he was out of your sight.

That was a close call.
Let's not do that again.

And so it began from there. You got up and started to clean your room, dusting the place and moving boxes. You checked what worked and what didn't out of the appliances in your room. Everything seemed to work actually. Just needed a cleaning. You spent quite the time cleaning and moving things around. Some boxes contained supplies for some appliances; some things were disposables like laundry detergent, soap, medicine, and other stuff. You checked expression dates, most of it was still good for about a few more months actually. You were scared to ask about some questions popping up in your head about the room, you did just piss him off.

After a few hours you got everything set up and almost cleaned. But other questions concerning your needs and job came to mind. They began to swarm as you felt like you had to ask him soon. As much as you didn't want to. You went and laid down on the mattress of your new bed; the sheets, covers, and blankets were in the wash. Thankfully the water worked and so did the heat. As you laid there you were thinking on convincing yourself to get up and ask Mr. your 'dire' questions.

But you know, the longer you laid there, thinking. You realized how exhausted... how tired... how drained you were.

Your eyes slowly feel heavier and heavier as they started to close. Attempts to blink them open were made, but as you didn't move as you just breathed calmly.. listening to the sound of the factory go on in the background. You felt yourself slip unconscious and into sleep until...

Everything was black and you snoozed.

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