22 - Albino rihnos

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Here goes nothing.

Alex started the helicopter while the motorbikes freaks were coming. They Fire bullets and bombs are them, the big door of shed brust inti pieces by the helicopter force. "Whoannnnn!" Taehyung yelled as a missile was fire on them.

They heard something break and hoseok noticed Alex struggling. "What's wrong?" He asked Alex through the noise of the gunshots.

"Something's broken!"

"What do you mean?!" Jin exclaimed. "Bro hang on!" Alex exclaimed back s all the helicopter's blade chopped on the ceiling of the shed and some branches on tree. The seven of them went spinning around as jimin hold on Jungkook for his goddamn life, as jungkook wrapped his arms around jimin securely. Hoseok and taehyung were also hugging eachother, protecting eachother. As well the same with jin and namjoon, expect they were hugging yoongi who was dozing left to right.

"Oh my god! We're about to die! We're about to die!" Yoongi screamed.

"Shut up! We're aware!!" Jimin shouted back as he was crushed by jungkook in the hug.

Alex managed to set them on the ground. "it won't go up!" He shouted.

"What do you mean!?" Taehyung shouted back.

"The collective is busted!" Alex said while pointing his finger at the rooftop of helicopter.

"The what?!" Jimin asked raising his eyebrow letting off to jungkook seeing the guy can hold onto something else.

"It controls the plates up there, which tilts the roter and control the pitch- it's how we go up and down."

Drums started to play on their head and they became used of it a little. "You guy's?" Jimin called. "This can't be good." Hoseok nodded his head at namjoon's comment. "No way that's a good news." Jin sassed.

Then they all could hear some loud, thumping noises from behind. "Albino rhinos!" Hoseok said, "Their indigenous to jumanji. They're huge, white scary and stupid they eat people!" He said and everyone gasped.

"I'm scared hobi!" Taehyung said while holding onto hoseok for dear life. "Hey don't worry, everything will be alright." The taller said while pulling the boy close to his chest.

"They're getting close!" Jungkook chimed in.

"My stomach's starting to bother me a little bit." Yoongi said while trying to open his eye.

"Go up!" Jin shouted in despair.

"I can't go!"

"I think i had too many margaritas."

"What are we gonna do!?" Yelled jimin.

"I'm gonna fix the helicopter." Jungkook said. "Tell me what to do."

"You gotta collect the flight-control to mesh plate under the rotors."

"Flight-control rod, mesh plate under the rotors." Jungkook rambled. "Wait what!!" Jimin blinked in confusion.

"I'll be right back." Jungkook said while looking at jimin. "Jungkook where the fuck you are going?!" The shorter cursed after him. "Be careful!"

"No, no just hurry up!" Yoongi shouted as jimin hit his head while frowning his eyebrows.

"Alright, just gotta stand on this thingy.. pull myself up to these deadly helicopter blades." Jungkook said doing so. "There's the mesh plate, and there's this rod thingy." One of the rhinos head hit the helicopter tail causing jungkook to lose his balance and hang from the vehicle.

"Oh my god, come on Jungkook!" Jimin yelled worried because they were about to reach canyon's dead end. Those animal's outside kept hitting them.

"Running out of time jungkook!" Alex shouted.

"Got it!" Jungkook shouted as the helicopter began going up. Taehyung, hoseok and jimin celebrated and stopped when namjoon and yoongi were looking at eachother with shock.

Jungkook came and sat back in the helicopter with a smile and jimin hugged him.

"Thank god I was so scared! I thought i was gonna lose you! You did great!" The pink haired male said while giving a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and caressing his face. Jungkook looked at him fondly with a smile, eyes shining with pupils and known feelings.

"Nu-uh I'm gonna stick with you forever." Jungkook teased back and placed a kiss on jimin's cheek who giggled and hit his chest. Jungkook just gave him a silly smirk.

"I dropped the jewel." Namjoon spoke.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" They all shouted at namjoon expect yoongi. "You dropped the jewel?!"

"Yoongi leaned over me.. i thought he had to puke but then.. the jewel come off the backpack and dropped." He explained guiltily.

"Yoongi what the fuck?!" Hoseok shouted at yoongi who just shrugged.

"We need to get the freaking jewel!" Jimin scowled. "I know." Yoongi grinned casually as if their life were a piece of garbage.

"Thats the crazy part because i know we need it. We're in a pickle, we're in a pickle." Hoseok glared at yoongi, secretly caressing taehyung's waist while the blue haired shifted closer to him.

"Alex turn around, we gotta go back and get it." Jungkook said while throwing daggers at yoongi with his eyes. The guy gulped and nodded his head. "Yeah let's loop around. Look for it, everybody look for it like a group."

Alex lowered down a bit so the rhinos don't reach the helicopter. "There I see it!" Jin said pointing his finger at the rhinos circling around the glowing item. "What are they doing?" Jungkook asked while looking down as jimin also joined him.

"They are like protecting it or something." Hoseok responded.

"How do we do this?" Alex gazed at jungkook. "I don't know dude."

"Well you gotta go and get it. Right buddy?" Namjoon pleaded while he walked and looked outside. "what do you need? Your boomerang? Maybe.. maybe some scissors? A pipe wrench? Some shoelaces? I'm your vallet i can get anything for you, just say a word."

"Haw! How sweet but it's not!" Jimin sassed.

"I'm sorry buddy." Jungkook said while staring at namjoon's wrist before he pushed him down, as namjoon yelled.

"Oh my god what the fuck did you do Jungkook!? How dare you push my boyfriend off the cliff?!" Jin yelled.

"Wait what?" Jimin asked in confusion as jin gulped.

"I-i mean we catch up in jungle.. we are dating. But that's not the point! How dare you push my boyfriend!!"

"Because he had all three lives?" Jungkook explained and everyone nodded their head like namjoon wasn't fighting for his life down there in the canyon.

Namjoon screamed taking their attention as he was running towards the dead end of the canyon. All the rhinos were running behind namjoon who was screaming for his life. The helicopter landed close to ground as jungkook jumped off taking the jewel to him and giving it to jimin who securely held it.

They all saw namjoon getting trampled by the rhinos as everyone grimaced. Jungkook get Inside the helicopter and it started flying on the air again. "Turn us around!"

"Alex get ready to roll us to the side." Jungkook said.


The spawn signal played namjoon appearing from the clouds.

"When i tell you, roll 90 digrees to the side." Jungkook waited for namjoon to get close enough.

"Now!" The helicopter turned into right side perfect to catch namjoon as all the six of them yelled in surprise.

Namjoon fall through the helicopter and jungkook perfectly catched the guy by his wrist and pulled him up, the helicopter turning to its position again.

"You pushed me off the helicopter, jackass!!" Namjoon yelled.

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