Chapter one

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***The sound of crying babies encircled the entire Sankofa village colliding with the heavy downpour at 5:50am that dawn but there was something strange about the twin babies.
"Maame nurse how is my wife and baby? Mr. Forson asked.
"The lord has blessed you with twins. A boy and a girl". The nurse replied with a smile.
"Oh gracious God may your name be hallowed!! You know what? I'm going to name them Janel and Jeffered". Mr. Forson said with a hysterical laughter.
"That's amazing except that there's something strange about your kids. There is a strange thread holding the wrists together". The nurse explained.
"What? Really, I think that's a normal thing that could happen anywhere because they are twins you know ". Mr. Forson said and the nurse nodded with inner pity as she glared at him.

..........5 years later
"Janel come over here and help me cut these onions. You know you have to learn how to cook". Mrs. Dian said and Janel ranned towards her joyously.
"Yes maame. I'm going to be the best cook in the world". Janel commented and Mrs. Dian laughed hysterically.
"Sure but my dear you have to desire greater things than just a best cook you know. It doesn't really count". Mrs. Dian explained.
"Ouch maame! I think something cut me. Jeff screamed as he rushed into the kitchen.
"What cut you? We're you playing with a blade or something? Mrs. Dian asked worriedly cleaning his bleeding finger."Get me the first aid kit!". She instructed Janel who hurriedly went to get it.
"Here maame! Janel said handing it over to her.
"My goodness! Mrs. Dian exclaimed when she realized Janel had a deepcut on the same finger as Jeff.
"What's the matter maame? The twins chorused and for a moment Mrs. Dian thought she had intersected with horrors making her gasp for air.
"Uhm, it's nothing kids go upstairs I'll fix your injury there okay". She said and they both ranned upstairs to their room.
"How could I be this ignorant all these years? I've heard about the history of twins but these ones.....why do I feel they carry a lot of prejudice that could evolve in the future? Mrs. Dian asked no one in particular. "I have to talk to Elias about this. We need to find the nook and cranny of this". Mrs. Dian concluded and opened the refrigerator for a bottle of water to cool down her temperature.
.....We need to talk Elias". Mrs. Dian said after they had had dinner later that evening.
"Okay about what Dian?" Asked Mr. Forson curiously.
"Do you think our kids are normal twins?" She asked making him burst into uncontrollable laughter.
"Are you having a headache?" He asked and she frowned.
***Mrs. Dian narrated what happened earlier that day to him and he laughed even more.
"Hmm, I hope your laughter doesn't end in tears". She said and walked away.
"How can you tell me this senseless story?" Mr. Forson murmured and turned on the TV to while away time and to cool his head likewise.

>>Days later, as Janel and Jeff sat in class having a painting lesson, the pin in the hair ribbon of Janel protruded and as she attempted to fix it it pricked her finger and Jeff began to bleed on his finger drawing the attention of the tutor.
"Oh my goodness! This strange let's go to the school nurse." Said the tutor remorsefuly.
Later that day, the tutor explained what he witnessed to Mrs. Dian when she came for her kids and also to some other tutors.

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