{volume 3} - chapter 1

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Dear diary,

We held the first meeting today. It was in an abandoned treehouse. Fabian's idea, not mine. To my surprise, everyone was pretty invested in the investigation, even Garrett. Johnny and Parker were late to the meeting, but they didn't tell us why.

I'm certain all of them hate me for some reason. I'm the newbie after all, I only know Garrett. And Fabian. Johnny seems kind, at least kinder than Parker. I have a feeling I won't be getting along with that goth guy. As for Owen, he's pretty boring, nothing special.

I told them about my discovery of some top secret documents that I probably shouldn't even posess. Those documents contained some information about a murderer named Albert Fischl, who was a part of META. Poor guy, the shit he went through was rough. A shame he's dead, his case really gave me chills...

Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like there's something way more. I get this feeling, a feeling that something isn't quite right. The police declared his case closed, banning anyone from investigating more about it.

Why did they do that? What are they trying to hide? Johnny warned me that I shouldn't dig too deep into the case because I might get caught and things would turn ugly. But that can't stop me. Nothing will stop me from finding out the truth.

I want to do Fischl justice. I want to find out the real reason behind his death and make things clear. I might have lied to myself, I'm definitely invested into this shit now...

Love, Alex.

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