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DISCLAIMER: I do not own harry potter or any other charictors only my idea♡

Harry slowly walked up and down the rows of the dead to pay respects to the many  who Voldemort had taken away from him and the world.He laid eyes on the pair that shouldn't have suffered for him.Remus lupin and his wife nymphadora or 'tonks' as she preferred to ba addressed as. lay beside him.
Suddenly, limp frail hand leant on his shoulder ."they knew what they where getting themselves into harry."mcgonagall said whis a layer of reassurance  in her voice,there was another thing about her remark. harry".i'm a harry now not potter?"
"Well under the sercomstances ,Potter.yes"
Harry felt his eyes sting "cheers proffesor." A few seconds of silence filled the air "why don't you go rest proffesor I can take care of thing here"harry said trying to convince his stuborn proffesor
"Are you sure ,you yourself need rest?"
"Thanks you harry."
"No problem minerva" having a joking tone sewn into his voice.
"Thank you potter "mcgonagal said sounding fed up enough to argue over what he should address  her as.Harry knew that had she been her strong stern and stubon self he would have gotten an earful of a lecture on 'yes you did save the wizarding world but I am still proffesor to you.'but now he could see her  scuttling checking up on a few student as she made her way out of the battered doors.

She was the one who had looked after him through all of his time at hogwarts and harry knew that she had no idea what he had done  for him.

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