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After standing there for about five minutes recapping all of his memories in this verry hall ,being sorted,and the many meals he had eaten at its tables .Although now it looked more like a graveyard, with body's littered everywhere on blood stained cloth sretchers.Benches with the people who lived holding each other engulfed in grief.

As he forced himself out of his previous thoughts he caught his 'mum' molly weasly waving him over to the bench where she was sitting next to her daughter ginny weasly resting peacefully on he mothers shoulder.he walked over to them slowly."hi Mrs weasly are you alright?"
"Moolly dear,remember I am molly to you."The woman said with a warm inviting smile taking over her muky face."sorry."harry said in a gloomy tone.
"Don't be sorry dear, it's alright .I just have a question, do you know where mcgonagall is ,I want ask her somthing?"
"In the staff room I would think or in-"
"Her class room"
"Yeah,how did you know?"
Molly looked like she had just told the biggest secret with the look of imbaresment that suddenly became apparent on her wrinkled face"just a hunch."she began to get up when a tiered scratchy choice spoke"mum?" It was ginny,who had been invisible during the conversation because of how still and silent she was with exastion and grief not that anyone could tell she was upset.That was what she had been good at all her life, she never showed emotion. Never.mrs weasly sloched back down and held her daughters head "I 'll be back in a minute ginny I am just going to speack to mcgonagal"
Ginny lifted her head slowly of her mother's shoulder and said "promise me you will come back." Molly felt terible that her daughter felt she even needed to ask shuch a thing but she agreed and kissed her daughters head gently befor getting to her feet and dusting herself off.

harry starred at ginny then all of a sudden her head swung to the side in sleep.harry quickly swooped in and caught her head thet rested peacefully on his lap.

This reminded him off all the time in his 6th year sitting by the lake with her watching the watter ripple and wave over the surface.Although that was in drastically different sercomstances. He lent down and kissed the top of her head gently befor drifting of himself.

"Harry?"a voice said softly following a nudge. Slowly he opened his eyes to see hermione standing there with a comfortable look on her face.Or as comftarble as youcan when you have been almost killed ,tortiored and hurt .She had changed her clothes and had her wounds tended to."harry they have repaired the dormitories ,mcgonagall said it's safe enough to go up and get to bed." She started to turn away but stoped herself"oh and in the morning there is an assembly for.... yeah."she the walked of.

He tried getting up but stoped when he remembered ginny was resting his head on his thigh."gin." He moved a strand of red firey hair out of her face revealing two chocolate brown eyes gazing at the stone slabs."gin, we can go up to the dorms now if you like." Ginny slowly got up into her feet and nodded. Harry notesed she was limping slightly, he thought for a minute, should he say somthing and risk upsetting her or should he talk to her in the morning after assembly. After all she had just lost her brother , friends and even some teachers.Now was not the time to desscus it after all, she probably wouldn't admit it but harry knew all this burdened her but it was either ask now or get hexes and harry did not want to be sneezing up bats for a week.

Later that night ginny was laid in her bed with the curtains drawn protecting her boddy from evil but her mind however was not.Compalations of the day flashed through her mind rapidly in a sort of perplexing nightmare.

Boom!clash!bang! Explosions rated through her head causing her to fight with herself."ah hahahhhhha!"
"Harry dead.!" And at that she awoke sweaty and short of breath. After a moment of trying to calm down all she could think of was...Harry.Harry who had rescued her from the chamber of secrets all thoes years ago.Harry the boy who had let her slumber for hours earlier that day on the icy great Hall floor.Harry who previous to the war had sat with her stairing out at the black lake.And it was harry she needed to go check on.

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