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Image by HyeonieQuinn (Reddit)

Draco Malfoy had always been a coward. After the war (and the trial in which the Savior of the wizarding world defended him), he shut himself in the Malfoy manor and hid from everyone for seven months. He would do anything to go back and undo his mistakes, but will he accept an offer from a mysterious person claiming they can bring him back in the past to fix everything? Of course, this service comes at a small price… 

3rd person POV:

Draco Malfoy had always been a coward.

Even when he could've helped save the wizarding world by fighting against Voldemort. Even after being rejected by the One who lived. He was such a coward that he didn't want to man up and accept it. Well, that was probably his Malfoy nature. Or his Slytherin one. Either way, his pride couldn't take it.

He had dreamed of seeing the one who survived the deadly curse. He had dreamed of becoming friends with him. Parading through the halls, a prestigious Malfoy and the boy who lived. Of course, all wasn't perfect, otherwise Voldemort would be alive, not psychopathic and sipping tea with Albus Dumbledore, who would also be among the living.

Draco would've admitted that he never wanted to be a Death Eater, but who would listen to him? After all, there were no potions or spells that could undo what had happened. He couldn't obliviate the entirety of the wizarding world. He couldn't use a time turner, even if he had one, because the scars would still be there. He wouldn't be able to stop the war either way.

It was destiny. God meant for him to hide from everyone in shame and fear of their looks. Those looks of hatred, disgust, sometimes pity. That was why he was hiding away. For seven months already, he had been hiding in the Malfoy manor with his mother.

Narcissa wasn't as cowardly as him, though. She was still going outside to buy things, still taking care of her 18 year old son, still keeping her life together. Sometimes, it was too hard. Those times usually ended with Draco's mother being brought back by a worried bartender, holding the passed out woman in his arms.

It was almost always the same one. He owned a bar nearby. It had opened a few months after the war. Draco suspected it was only for more profit during these dark times, but he had found out by his mother that that same bartender was a victim of the war, too. He had lost his whole family and was used as a mere puppet by Death Eaters to infiltrate places. The Slytherin then started trusting the man a bit more because he accepted everyone into his bar, even former Death Eaters.

One night though, his mother didn't come back and Draco was worrying, imagining all the things that could've happened to her. Getting kidnapped, assaulted, threatened, taken hostage, or even killed… Of course, he knew where the bar was, since he had passed by it multiple times before his self-quarantine. Maybe I could go there and see if she's just at the bar… he thought. Maybe she fell asleep… if I cover up…  Draco decided he could make a quick trip to find his mother. She had gone through so much for him, he could make a quick two-minute walk over there.

He got up from his bed, trembling from head to toe. The Slytherin passed by a mirror and took a quick peek. He looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and he had huge bags under his eyes. He was extremely pale and altogether looked like he shriveled up during the time he spent at home. Does it hurt mum to look at me? He wondered sadly. I don't have time to wallow in self-pity. I have to find my mother. He turned away from his reflection and found some robes to cover himself. He went down the stairs and headed to the main entrance. He paused right in front of the door, his hand a few inches away from the door. His heart beat faster and he shook. What if people recognize me.. He thought, panicking. What if the wind snatches away my hood.. What if… His breathing became rapid and irregular, his body shaking violently.

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