Chapter 2

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Image by Honey (Pinterest)

The man looked annoyed and confused, pacing around.

"Why is he included in this? Didn't he already butt into every single problem we had?!"

Snape spat, obviously furious that the person who was included in his godson's "task" was a troublemaker.

"Why do the Griffindors butt into everything?"

The professor spoke, venom laced in his voice. The answer was very clear, and no, it wasn't because of their "courage" or "loyalty", hell, some of them weren't even loyal to their own friends and would leave them at the drop of a pin. Since his godfather was too busy spitting insults mentally to the person in question, Draco decided to answer the previous question to pull the potions master out of his loathing thoughts.

"Bloody Potter"

Snape stopped in his tracks, seemingly understanding something.

"He wasn't in class today. Maybe that has something to do with it"

He looked proud to have found something that could be useful to his godson. The blonde's eyes widened, looking at the adult in front of him.

"Yeah, you're right… maybe that has something to do with it. His friends even lied about why he's not there. I know for a fact that no Slytherin attacked him, since all of us were in the common room this morning."

Draco spoke quickly, connecting dots when Snape interrupted his thoughts.

"You know, you only have a few minutes until next class. You'll be late if you don't go there right now. You can come to this class during lunch if you want to"

Snape said that as if he was extremely lonely either way and that he wouldn't mind having some company, instead of sitting at the teacher's table and eating silently while glaring (unknowingly) at students.


The blonde entered the great Hall, glancing up at the ceiling that reflected the weather outside but in a harmless way.

The sky was clear and the sun was shining, heating up the area as if a giant incendio spell had been cast. Of course, the castle was a little bit cooler, thanks to a few charms cast by professor Flitwick, since everyone was complaining because of the heat.

Draco had even heard people comparing it to an oven, which was a muggle contraption for heating up food. Of course, most wizards had ovens, but since the Slytherin's family was rich and owned multiple house elves, they never had to use it, or even see it in fact.

The blonde finally reached the Slytherin table, sitting down next to Blaise, in front of Pansy.

"Finally. You took so long we're basically done with our food. Hurry up before it disappears."

Pansy said, rolling her eyes as Draco hurriedly grabbed a handful of Treacle Tarts, looking delighted that there were still some left.

"Oh, you won't believe what I just heard from the rumor train"

She continued, seemingly remembering another strange rumor someone had told her a few minutes before the blonde arrived.

"What? Someone else cheated on their partner with the most unexpected person?"

Draco said, looking extremely bored at the repetitiveness of rumors. It was as if cheating was a new trend, interesting everyone and reaching all ears in the castle.

"No, actually, it's got to do with that scarhead"

Pansy said, slightly leaning in, either waiting for the blonde's reaction to see it as well as possible or trying to tell the tale without anyone hearing what she was saying. Well, it was probably both.

"What? What happened?"

Draco's eyes widened, suddenly interested about said rumor, since it could help him find out what the raven had to do with the "task" he had.

"Well, he came out as gay"

Pansy said, as if that was the most shocking thing in the universe.

"What? That's it? Did you not know he was gay?"

The blonde said, bored.

"Wasn't it always obvious? He talks like he's gay, even though he tries to sound at least a bit interested in girls, which he is clearly not, he walks like he's gay, he checked out more men than the bloody weasel did for women and he even sits like he's trying to show off his non-existent arse to any potential "lover" that might be slightly interested. For Merlin's sake, he wears lip balm and even manages to put it on in a (not even remotely) seductive manner. I thought it was crystal clear that he was homosexual"

Draco ranted on, scoffing a few times. His two friends watched him speak, absolutely flabbergasted.

Finally, the blonde stopped and he looked at them, slightly annoyed that they probably didn't listen to a word he said.

"What? What's wrong you bloody gits?"


Pansy started, still too surprised to form a full sentence.

Blaise looked like he was in another dimension, probably imagining things very much more dramatically than they actually were, when suddenly, he looked disgusted, seemingly having just imagined too far and regretting it deeply. That pulled him out of his trance, letting him speak again.

"Mate, why were you- why were you staring at Potter and how do you know he "tries" to flex his arse, unless you- you- looked at it…"

He seemed to struggle with the last part, probably(definitely) imagining Draco looking at Potter's arse in the middle of class, smirking at the raven's desperate tentative to get a certain "attention".

Once again, he looked disgusted, almost gagging. The blonde clearly noticed that, since he was now also looking disgusted, and troubled by his friend's thoughts.

"Eww, no- I would rather kiss that one hippogriff's arse than even glance at that scarhead's arse"

He said, extremely uncomfortable. Even though he was disgusted by the thought, he still wondered what if Pottah did have a nice arse?... And then proceeded to picture it.

He realized what he had just thought and felt disgusted, all of his appetite fading away to be replaced with nausea. What the bloody hell did I just think- this is not very Malfoy-like… suddenly, he winced, feeling as if a hidden part of him, locked away behind multiple magical barriers just banged on them, massively cringing at the thought he had just had.

"Draco, are you okay?"

Pansy said, noticing his strange reaction.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just remembered that I had to meet up with Sev' to talk about- things…"

He said, unsure whether they would just mock him if he revealed what he was worrying about.

Ngl this Chapter was very short (and late) because of the technical difficulties I experienced. First, my phone completely wiped all of the progress I had made with this chapter, second, my internet just completely stopped working and I had to survive TWO. DAYS. Knowing full well that this chapter was already late, without being able to post it and third, when I re-read the chapter before posting it, I noticed that a few parts didn't line up with the vague idea I had for this story, plus a few others were just plain cringe, so I redid it, because I wanted my story to be at least a little bit coherent. In short, I'm really sorry this chapter is really late T-T I'll try to get the next one out earlier to get my schedule as regular as I can manage to make it.

Word count: 1229 words

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