Chapter 2

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Ms. Amorretta leads me up the stairs, chattering the whole way about all the great things this school has to offer, and how this will be an exciting new adventure for me. I just make a sound or two every now and then as I pretend to listen. I stare at her as we make our way up the stairs. Can humans train to be employees on campus? Pondering this thought, we finally reach the third floor.

The hall is narrow and dimly lit, no natural light coming in save for a tiny window at the end of the hallway. For the first time since we were alone, Amorretta's constant conversation pitters away, as she turns to face me.

"This floor will be where you live! Now before I lead you down the hall, I would like to let you know that you do have a roommate..." she trails off, seeing my confusion.

"I thought I asked for a single room?"

"You did, but since you're so new here and your powers are not at a certain level of control yet, the headmaster thinks it's better to have a buddy system when it comes to rooming. She did say that if your control improved by next semester, that you could request to be moved to a single room."

I do not hide my scowl. "Oh," I mutter under my breath.

She gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll be able to move to a single in no time. Besides, Headmaster Martha chose a roommate she thinks you'll work just fine with."

I raise an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to elaborate. She chuckles nervously, fiddling with her hands. "At least you won't have to worry about her being nosy, she keeps to herself for the most part." I stare at her for a moment, knowing for a fact she's not telling me everything. After a second, I just shrug.

"Okay. Lead the way."

We arrive at the last door on this level, coming to stop at 306. My dorm sits next to the window at the end of the hallway, and I look out as Ms. Amorretta knocks, spying a glint of water far off in the distance past some trees. I see a little building at the edge of the tree line, and wonder what it's for.

I return my attention to Amorretta as she knocks for a second time.

"Shay, are you there?"

There's no reply. After a moment of silence, Ms. Amorretta takes the small envelope off her clipboard and opens it. She dumps a small key into her palm, before using it to unlock the door.

"Your roommate must already be out and about for the day. She'll probably be back later this evening, so you'll have your dorm all to yourself for now."

She pushes the door open, and gestures for me to go in. I shuffle past, and step into the dark room, flipping the light switch as I do. A fixture in the center of the room illuminates the space, and I'm met by maroon red walls and deep green carpets. The interior definitely ages the place, very vintage compared to most college dorm rooms I've seen.

"This is gonna be your home for the next little while. All of your boxes have been brought up so all you have to worry about is unpacking."

I look around, walking further into the room as Ms. Amorretta stands like a guard at the entrance. I open a door on the opposite side of the room and find the bathroom. It divides the main space in half, with the beds up against the walls on either side. Two closets, desks, cork boards, and additional storage spaces sit mirrored on either side of the bathroom. I look to my right to see Shay's side, which seems to be covered in various piles of laundry, and has no exposed wall due to all of the posters. My side has none of that of course, completely bare save for all of my unpacked boxes. There is, funny enough, a single poster on the wall. I point at it, giving Amorretta a look of confusion.

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