Chapter 7

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Ranboo pov☆ -
I bit the inside of my cheek, and my hands began to fidget with each other. I tried my hardest to seem like I was asleep, but my body was making it hard to.

"Not surprising, really." Tommy said, earning a small giggle from the others.

"Well, we are here to support you." I could hear wilburs smile while he spoke. The fact that this was real made me blush, my face burning up, making it hard to breathe.

(Fun fact, blush is called blush because blood rushes to your face. Blood+rush=blush.)

"So when you'd know?" Wilbur asked, slightly prying.

"Well- just the other day, actually... we were lying down together, and my guy was really sweet. For his own privacy, I won't tell you what we talked about exactly. It's mostly just what happens at home, but the fact he trusted me enough to open up like that is just so sweet. I had a crush on somebody else but I feel like I've sort of moved on, the crush had lasted since like the beginning of this year so either I'm getting crushes too fast, or I'm not ready to dive into a serious relationship just yet." Toby said, his words engulfing the room in his emotions.

"Well, I think you two would be absolutely cute together, just be really nice and gentle with the guy, okay? Sometimes, he acts like he doesn't care, or he's numb, but that's when you really got to connect with him emotionally, alright? It feels like he tries to hurt you sometimes when he gets one of his stonefaced moods, but he's just having trouble processing his emotions, so take things slow, okay? I'm sure your relationship together will blossom healthily. You're both sweet kids." Wilbur explained. He was right, really. I'm surprised he had noticed.

"So you have confirmation he isn't straight, right? I want to make sure I'm not about to chase after a guy who likes women, and I've been doing everything absolutely for no reason." I caught myself before Iaughed, I had been down that road before, always falling for the straight guys.

"Oh, no, he's super gay," Tommy said, with his matter of fact tone.

"Yeah, definitely. I hope he doesn't mind. We just told you." Wilbur responded.

"Should we really be talking about this when the big guy is literally like a foot away from us?? What if he hears us in his sleep?? What if we are in his dream?!?" Tommy said frantically.

"Chill out," Wilbur calmy responded. "Let's talk in my room. Plus, ranboos is not really the type of guy to eavesdrop anyway."

They all got up, and I was suddenly alone with my thoughts. What was I gonna do? Would I have to awkwardly tell him that I heard him? He'd think I'm a creep!! Plus, I'm not sure I'm quite ready for a relationship when I'm struggling with my mental health and with my home issues. Relationships are sometimes draining. If I could put it off for about a month, I would be fine, right?

For now, I've got to be flattering and super sweet to toby, I hope he wouldn't lose feelings for me, I don't know if it's just because I hate myself but I don't think im interesting really.


I sat up about 20 minutes later when I could hear them laughing. They must be done with their serious conversation. I got up, feeling like I genuinely was just asleep, my eyes heavy. I grabbed my blanket and walked to wilburs room, softly knocking on the door. 

The door opened shortly after, tommy, trying his hardest not to break into laughter.

"I-i'm sorry... can I- can I sleep with you, Wilbur?" I looked at the floor anxiously, hoping he would say yes.

"Of course ran, why don't you go wash your face though?" Tommy groaned loudly, elbowing Wilbur.

"HE DIDNT FUCKING KNOW!!! YOU COULDVE KEPT IT A SECRET!!" Tommy yelled. I covered my ears, my blanket falling... way too loud.

Wilbur scooped me up and set me down on the bed.

"Oh, Tommy, just shut up already. Will you not?" Tommy stayed silent as wilbur tucked me in.

"What's on my face?" I questioned, playing the innocent act, hoping it would sell my case as if I was really sleeping.

"It's just Marker, bud. We can wash it in the morning if you're really tired. It's non-toxic, so you don't have to worry about it messing with your skin." Wilbur said, brushing my hair aside.

I smiled. "Okay... I am super tired." I shut my eyes, turning over to face the wall.

"Alright bud, do you want us to get out or?" Wilbur started. "We are gonna stay up for a bit longer."

I turned over to look at them. "Please stay, I don't want to be alone." I said anxiously, it was true, I hated being by myself.... well, most of the time, anyways.

"Alright, ran." Wilbur sat on the bed next to me, softly petting my hair so I could rest. It worked like a charm, making me fall asleep shortly after.


I'm so sorry this chapter is shorter than usual, I didn't know what else to put before moving on in the story. Hope you enjoy with the semi-consisten uploads. Love you all <33 /p

This will be the last chapter for a second, I am experiencing burnout sorry loves

Word count: 917

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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