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Y/n's POV

"he just got really mad out of nowhere" Miguel told me about his time at Mason's

"Well in his defense you two are really close and haven't hung out in a long time" I defended Mason

"He could've said that without being an asshole" Miguel rolled his eyes

"Don't be like that" i hit Miguel's arm

"Wha-", I cut him off, "Be nice, plus Maddy invited us for brunch tomorrow at 11"

"You mean like Maddy McGraw, Maddy"

"I don't know any other Maddy" I rolled my eyes

"I just hope she doesn't bring him"

"Well I kinda told her too"  Miguel looked up at me

"Why, he was literally dissing our relationship"

"That was before this whole incident and he's your friend and that's more important"

"More important then you"

"Okay now your just being clingy" I pushed Miguel off of me as I grabbed covers so I wasn't cold.

Miguel sucked his teeth as he sat up straight and leaned against the headboard.

Time Skip

I woke up to the light seeping through the curtains hitting my eyes. I checked the time on my phone to see it said 9:22 am.

"Miguel, Miguel" my voice a bit raspy as I extended my arm tapping Miguel on the cheek to wake him up. He groaned, continuously moving my hand but I kept tapping him.

"What" his voice raspy as well

"Wake up" I told him as I got out of his bed.

"Why" he whined as he stretched out the 'y' sounding like a baby

"Fine I'm leaving" I told him as I grabbed my phone

"Why" he whined once more

"Because we promised to have brunch with Maddy in a hour, I'll just go with out you."

He rolled over looking at me "ok, go then"

"No your going and you and Mason are gonna talk to each other and become best friends again" I spoke firmly

"No I'm not" he groaned out as he closed his eyes. Miguel rolled over onto his stomach

"Yes, come on" I folded my arms

I waited for a response "Miguel" I called out his name

"Miguel's not here right now please leave a message at the beep" I rolled my eyes, I could hear his muffled chuckles

I climbed on top of his back, his eyes still closed and a smile appeared on his face I bent down to his ear

"Is Miguel here now" I yelled into his  ear

He scrounged up his face "AHH" Miguel yelled putting his hand over his ear

"Great get up and get ready" I smirked as I walked out of the room.

Once Miguel finished getting ready we made our way to my house.

"I don't understand why I have to go" Miguel sat on my bed while I was in the bathroom curling my hair.

"Because it's what friends do"

"Friends also don't dis each others relationships" Miguel scoffed

I sighed "just be nice please" I peaked my head out the bathroom door way

Time Skip

We made our way inside the restaurant. I looked around trying to find Maddy. "Do you see her" I asked Miguel while I looked around

"Right there" he pointed, I saw her waving her hand, Mason beside her on his phone it seemed to be her talking to a waiter. We walked over to her

"Hey" I greeted

"Hi" she hugged me "I'm trying to get a table outside since it's finally the perfect weather"

"Uhm I seem to be able to squeeze you in for a table outback but you would have five hours"

"We only need two to three hours, thanks so much"

"Well follow me I'll get you all settled in"

As we got seated I looked at the boys who sat across from each other but they were both on their phones. I nudged Miguel with my shoulder.

"Talk to him" i whispered to Miguel, Miguel looked down at me with an bothered look on his face

Maddy looked at the menu, trying to figure out what she wanted. I heard Mason exhale deeply, i cleared my throat as I continued to look at Miguel. He broke eye contact as he sucked his teeth.

"Uh so, i apologize for being rude towards you and y/n, and i just missed my friend" Mason spoke up

Maddy looked up from the menu and at the boys. Miguel sighed "it okay"

"Aww, now hug" Mason got up but Miguel shook his head

"Do it" they dabbed each other up

"So are you still coming to the game"

"I will never pass up a good suns game"

"Okay so now that you too are besties again, I'm going to give the extra ticket to y/n"

The boys just shrugged "no it's fine Mads take one of your friends" I told her

"Well you are my friend and Miguel said you liked basketball" Maddy said

"Well if you insist" I chuckled and so did Maddy

"Bruh what is this" Mason pointed at an item on the menu "read the description" Maddy told him

All he said was "oh"

The waiter came back "what can I get you guys started with"

"Ok so two lemonades, spinach dip and wings, for appetizers" Maddy said

"what flavors"

"Mild and medium"

"And you two" the waiter spoke of me and Miguel

"I'll take a lemonade as well" Miguel said

"I'll take a virgin pina colada" I smiled

"Okay so 3 lemonades, virgin pina colada, mild and medium wings and spinach dip"

"Yea" We all said

"Ok I'll be back as soon as possible"

The entire time we talked and joked. Miguel had 3 refills "would you like a refill" the waiter asked Miguel

"NO, his cut off, he'll take a water" I said, Miguel sucked his teeth while Mason and Maddy laughed. I mean they were free refills but that was just too much.

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